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BTS have won their first award. All members were happy now. They can sense their bright future more now. All family members were proud on them.

BTS has gained popularity more. They had more stage shows . More views on their songs. But with more popularity comes more caution.

But for taekook it brought unwanted attention. Taehyung is known as social butterfly. His nature made everyone his friend and sometimes this friendship went beyond limits. He flirt constantly with whoever he want.
This made jk insecure and jealous.

Sometimes jk couldn't hide those feelings on his face or by his actions and their fans caught him. They even analyze his every action in relation tae or jimin. The one he shipped most.

Sometimes they joked around about jimin and him but tae felt jealous whenever jimin's name connect with jk. He sometimes watched their fanmade moments too. He wanted to tell jk his true feelings but he was worried about his reaction.

One day, Jk was exercising as usual. His new hobby. He was doing pushups then suddenly jimin went on him and laid down on top of him. Both were laughing and teasing. Tae entered the room and saw them. His mood flipped and he saw only red. He turned around and left.

Then, some other day jk was playing with jimin in dance room and both fell on each other. Their mouth was almost accidently touched. Tae was silently watching. He was burning inside.

Taehyung asked jk one night to went out somewhere. Jk was too tired to even walk so he declined. Then he went to tae bed and slept. Tae went out alone to think about things more. Jimin went to their bedroom when he saw jk sleeping he covered him and sat beside him to read something. He slept too while reading both cuddled together when tae returned and saw them. He was angrier then ever before.

Few days went by and tae didn't even looked or talked to jk. He was pissed on him. He started to flirt every member or sometimes to his friends in front of jk. Jk was getting irritaed day by day. He was devastated that tae was not talking to him , he was not even looking at him. He didn't know what he did to deserve such side of tae.

Then  one day , tae went out with his friend , it was tae's birthday next day . Jk and other members were planning a suprise for him. But staff informed them that he went for a show shoot with one of his friend. Everyone was tired and slept while waiting for taehyung. Jk couldn't sleep. He called him and asked him when he will come. Tae told him at 3 am. He waited for him to come home.

Taehyung send jimin a pic with his friend. He knew jimin would show it to jk and he would be jealous. Jimin woke up after sometime to see tae message. He showed it to jk as well and was happy tae was celebrating his birthday with his friend. But the case with jk was totally different. He got hurt instead of jealous. The build up from all these days bursted. He went outside and started crying. Looking at jk ' s change in mood, jimin followed him. When he saw jk crying he hugged him and asked about everything. Jk felt better after telling jimin everything happening between tae and him.

Tae returned home. He was standing in front of jikook when they were hugging each other. He cleared his throat. Both jimin and jungkook noticed him and pulled away. Jimin wished taehyung and hugged him. He said thank you with forced smile. Jk wished too but tae ignored him and went to their dorm. Jk had enough of tae's tantrum. He went to tae and dragged him to terrace where they can talk.

Tae pulled out his hand and tried to go back but jk was not listening anymore. He was more strong than tae now. He pulled tae towards himself and hold his waist then he rolled them at wall for support while he caged tae.

Jk : I wished you and you couldn't even reply. I was waiting for you whole night. We planned so much for you. You didn't even tell me you had plans. You were not talking to me for days or even looking at me. What happened?

Tae: I don't want to see your face jeon jungkook.

Tae words hurt jk more than anything. He didn't know the reason of tae's anger.

Jk : What did i do taehyungie hyung? I am sorry if i hurted you. But please talk to me. We are best friends , right? Please tell me what changed your mind.

Jk was scared. He started to think he was going to lose tae forever. He was beyond angry because tae still didn't reply. He was looking at something behind his head. But jk loved tae , he knew tae was angry on something. He was going to dig out it no matter what.

He step back a little and grabed tae' s waist roughly and pulled him towards himself. Tae looked at him with wide eyes. Jk hold tae head close to his head and both of their lips  were inches apart. Tae's breathing started to increase. He can feel himself pulled towards jk's lips but his eyes were on jk's eyes because of jk's hold on his head.
Tae: l-let m-me go jk!
Jk : of course taehyung but you better tell me first why are you angry on me?
Tae was hardened instantly. Hearing from jk calling his name was a full turn on for him. He wanted to kiss him but he was pissed too.
Tae: i am your hyung. Speak to me respectfully.
Jk: really taehyung, you want me to speak to you nicely when you ignored me and treat me like i don't even exist for you.
Tae : LET GO!!
Jk : Speak!! Why are you so stubborn or you don't love me enough to explain because i am  loosing my mind everyday with your behavior and you are being childish. Just speak and tell me.

Jk started shouting . He was getting irritated moment by moment. The fear of losing taehyung was eating him.

Tae: yeah i love you enough but you clearly don't otherwise you wouldn't be fucking jimin.
Jk : what are you talking about? We were just talk-
Tae: Talking, kissing, humping, you do all the things jungkook. I seemed like a person with no feelings but i have them. I hate when you get close to anybody else. I hate when you show everyone your body. I hate when you even touch our hyungs. Because i love you okay and you don't. I know that so let me go now. We are done.
Jk: who said i don't?
Tae: what??
Jk : From the moment i saw you in that dark hall that evening when we first met i fell for you. I was just nervous to tell you all this time that What if u felt different. I love you kim taehyung and not as a friend but more. You are my family but more. How i explain. God!! You know what i mean right?

Tae just smiled a little and nodded. Then he did what jk never expected. He smashed his lips on jk . Jk was shocked but turned on too. They kissed each other like no tomorrow. Then jimin cleared his throat.

He followed taekook to see the tension between them downstairs in case they fought. But they confessed and made out. He was happiest on the planet.

Tae and jk pulled away and saw jimin. He was smirking.

Jimin : congratulations!! And tae, we don't have anything going on. You are my soulmate. I wouldn't do anything like that to you. But i am so happy. Lets go !! Tell other hyungs too!!.

Taekook started blushing and they looked each other and nodded. They both went and hugged jimin. Because of tae's jealousy he confessed.

Their love story begins.

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