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Jungkook was stretching with other members. Their concert was going to start  in a few hours. He was so excited. Their love-yourself tour is so popular. They were sold out in every place on the list. Their makeup artist asked them to have showers so they can go ahead with all the dressup etc.

** Few minutes later**

Jungkook came out of the bathroom. Tripping on his heel. Jin was first to run to him. Worry is clearly on his face.

Jin : jungkook ah, you okay? Why are you bleeding?

Jungkook flinched in pain. " I got cut in the bathroom from something."

Jin ran to call others as soon as he heard. Their concert is in 2 hours.

Rm and jimin were the first to come with their manager nim. He examined his foot a little. It hurts like hell. Jungkook felt like crying but he was still hopeful until..

Manager :- shit jungkook!! It's deep . How you cut yourself that deep? I need to call medical help.

Manager nim run to call other. He asked him to rest his foot till he was back. Jungkook laid down on the mat. He was on verge of losing it. He looked here and there. Then he saw taehyung through the door running to him. He was full ready for the show.

Tae :- kookie, are you okay? Shit it's bleeding. How you got the cut.

Tae saw maknae expression. He can feel he was losing his shit right now. He sighed and sat beside jungkook on the floor and took his head on his lap.

Tae :- it's okay. Everything will be alright. I am here.

Jungkook just nodded his head. But tightly grab tae 's hand as he was going to fall and tae was his last resort.

Medic team came and told the members that the cut was so deep and jungkook going to need stitches. Jungkook finally relaxed as he thought he was fine and he  just gonna get stitches and perform. But when medic told them he can't perform in the upcoming concerts till he got well.

Everything around jungkook went silent. They were talking but he couldn't hear them. ' He can't perform in concerts. ' that was roaming in head in spiral.

First tear fall from his eye since the injury. It's not injury that hurt that time, it was the incapability of jungkook. What he gonna do if not perform? What will ARMY think? People will think?

Jungkook started feeling his throat getting tighter. He couldn't  breathe. Until tae hold his face and look in his eyes.

Tae :- jungkook , love breathe , please. Relax . We figure out something. Look at me.

Jungkook can hear tae but only minimal like a whisper.

" LOOK AT ME , JEON JUNGKOOK!!" tae's yell bring jungkook from where ever he was few seconds ago. He looked at tae. He can see tae's wet eyes. Shit I made him cry. He thought.

Jungkook:- Tae.. i... Don't.. know... I wan.. want to perform . Tae.

Jungkook start sobbing hard . Tae and every member there, hugged jungkook.

Tae:- you will perform baby. But today we need rest okay? You can do it. You can do it for me. I know it's hard. But when was anything easier for any of us. This a challenge life is giving you. And you not gonna give up okay , jungkookie?

Jungkook listened what his bf said and nodded a little. He can survive. Jungkook calmed down after that.

After the breakdown. They all decided it's best to let jungkook not perform. They arranged a chair on the stage and helped him on the stage during performance.

It was fine in start but as soon as concert went on. Jungkook felt everything harder. He start feeling his head light . He start feeling a bile coming from his throat. All the members were trying to make him feel good and happy but the feeling was getting heavier with each passing minute

Tae noticed the change in jungkook's expression. He can feel stiffness in his body from far. So he decided to distract jk . So when dna start playing. Tae knew what he need to do.

He went to jk sat on one knee as he was proposing jk in front of army. And sing the verse which meant everything to both of them. The line was made for them and them only.

He saw jk smile as he hold his hand. He saw him blushing. Jk seemed relaxed now. Jk smiled at tae so lovingly. He saw the i love you sign when tae again came close. He whispered lightly. I love you.

Everything jk was feeling got away after the stunt tae pulled. He always know what to do to make jk came out of his shell. It was always like that since the beginning.

As the line said which tae sang for him from DNA .

" None of this is a coincidence
We're totally different, baby
Because we're the two who found our destiny " .

They really found their destiny to each other
And at last jungkook started crying . From love. From sadness . From everything. But their was no that ugly feeling which he felt few moments ago. Tae took his demon away from him.

But when he cried he was also the first one to hold on him. He knew whatever happen to them in future. Tae will always be his home.

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