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Taekook were sleeping in their room, all cuddled and cosy. Jimin knocked the door to wake them up to have breakfast.

Jimin: jungkook-ah!! Taehyung-shii!!! Have your breakfast. We have practice in an hour. Wake up lousy asses!!!!!

Tae wake up a little but jk was still fast asleep.

Tae: jungkookie, wake up baby!!
Jk just groaned and turned other way and slept again.

Tae touched his naked ass and slide his fingers upwards with feathery touch. Jk moaned from pleasure. It felt too good to him.Tae keep sliding his fingers back and forth, while jk started breathing heavily. He was now turned on and fully awake. When tae touched his hole in his action , he hissed in pain which made tae stopped his move.

Tae whispered in jk's ear " Are you sore my bunny?".

Jk nodded but wanted more from tae. He wanted his touch , his kisses and definitely him inside now.

Jk: Please ,hyung... Don't stop... It feels good , taehyung!!

Tae: i know, sweetie. But its time to go for practice. Wake up now or hyung will be angry. We will continue this tonight. What say?

Jk pouted but accepted the deal. He got up but flinched as his ass was hurting more now. Tae helped him and give him some pain killers as well as put some ointment on his hole.

They both went downstairs to eat with others. Everyone already started. They sat beside each other and started eating but then jimin spoke.

Jimin : So jk , have you heard something very loud last night?

Jimin start teasing and others joined as well.

Jhope : ohh yess i heard as well.. it says something like faster... Harder types. Were someone watching porn or something?

Jimin: i dont know hyung. I could not sleep well because of that you know. Since it was coming from my opposite room. Were you and tae were watching porn , jungkook?

Tae: no, we were doing one. You should also try something with yoongi hyung. Its so good. And specially if you moan like jk.

Jk : Hyungggg...

Everyone started laughing while jk was red as tomato. Then started talking about other things and went to their usual schedules.

Bon voyage

Everyone was getting ready for their first vacation trip. Even though its a show, its their first vacation together as a group.

Everyone was packing their bags and other belongings for their trip. Crew was recording their episodes from their dorm. They were showing their rooms and closets for army.

Taekook were told to be recorded separately. So jk was recorded in closet and tae in room. But since tae was going after they reach there because of his schedule. He was not being recored with others.

When everything got recored. They had given break for some hours before their departure. Everyone assembled in hall and start discussing everything.

Tae hold jk hand but jk didn't look at him.
Tae: jungkookie , i am sorry.

Jk didn't respond. He was upset with tae, who didn't tell anybody that he was not going with others but alone after his schedule.

Jk was not talking to him since he knew about this. He was not even looking at tae.

Tae hold his waist and back hugged him but jk pushed him. Everyone got shocked how jk pushed tae. They never disrespect each other. Tae got hurt and angry from jk's action. He went to his room without giving jk a glance and slammed his door hard. Everyone flinched including jk. Tae doesn't get angry easily. Everyone knew jk fucked up so as jk. His action was unintentional. He was hurt and wanted tae to know. But now he made the rarest moment for all. Tae's angry mood.

Jimin: You shouldn't have done that jk. He is your boyfriend as well as your hyung. Have some  respect.
Jin: jimin is right. Jungkook go and apologize him.

Jk felt ashamed. He held his head low and went to their room. Tae was on his front and crying in the pillow. Jk felt more guilty. He closed the door and lay on top of tae and started crying.

Jk: I am sorry hyung. I - i was just hurt and want you too. I didn't want to disrespect you. You know i love you taehyung. Please stop crying and forgive me.

Tae throw jk from above him to other side of bed and hovered him.Jk thought he gonna fight more but instead tae hugged him tight and jk hugged as well.

Tae: i am sorry too jungkookie. I should have told you about my schedule. But you were so happy about trip, i couldn't bring myself to say anything to you. I love you more than anything. And i will miss you alot. Please forgive me as well.

Jk gave tae his bunny smile and they both kissed.

* bon voyage started *

Bts have arrived to their destination and they were having fun. But jk was very distracted. He missed tae alot. They did some fun   activity but it was getting lonely.
When jimin saw him crying . They talked for hours and played games.

* Tae arrived *

Tae arrived as well as lost. Everyone was worried. Jk was at verge of tears. But when he saw tae at station. He was more than happy. Tae met everyone and then  hugged jk as well as kissed them. They knew crew will cut that scene anyways.

Tae was beside jk all the time. They talked, played and ate. Since they had small rooms and sharing with others. They didn't fuck each other even both were itching to do that.

* Camp car *

Rm lost his passport and deported back to korea. Everyone was sad . But they a hired camp car and went for camping. They had fun and ate food. Jk and tae wanted to sleep together but director refused it as it will gain unwanted attention.

Both slept separately but jk woke up early to capture sunrise. When he got back and saw tae sleeping in lower bed. He couldn't resist himself. And slept beside tae. They cuddled and kissed each other in sleep. When tae woke up jk was beside him. He asked him what he was doing here , but jk was fast asleep. Both slept again.

* Back to korea *
Everyone back to korea. And released their show. But unfortunately mistakely taekook cuddled moment got leaked on social media.

Since korea is an homophobic nation. Everyone started trolling them. Some supported , some were mad and bad commented. Both taekook were uncomfortable to be seen in public together. Bang pd warned them finally to not to be close in public alot as well scold staff for making such huge mistake.

Taekook is closed topic for everyone now on.

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