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Jk was always the possessive one since chilhood. He doesn't share his things. Everything he have is his only. Everyone he loves they are his only. He believed that.

So now when he is seeing taehyung hugging his friend bogum Or hanging out with his hwarang friends , he is feeling possessive and jealous.

Taehyung is spending most of his times with them now. After the clip got leaked, they cant be seen to close to each other. People are suspicious , so bang pd asked them to keep it down.

But taehyung not only is keeping down but keeping away too. He is so busy that jk and him are not even spending time together anymore.

His either in practice or in interview or in promotions  and even after that he has time he goes with his friends for drinking and come home late at home. Sometimes he sleep on bed or sometimes he is too tired that he crashes on the couch right away.

Even during busy schedules if jk messaged or call him he talked him casually for few minutes and hang up after that. This getting on nerves of jk with every passing day.

Jk spend more time on his dance practices or vocal practices. He also trying to make songs and he trying some photography skills.
But even being this busy, taehyung is in his mind all the time.

All the members are practicing for their upcoming award shows right now. Taehyung is not here again, he was doing promotions. After practicing they all went home since they all were exhausted. Taehyung came back just few minutes after they returned.

Jk was happy that tae is early today . They can spend time now. Maybe fuck each other too . Its been too long for them due to their different schedules.

Jk was sitting on the couch waiting for his chance for shower. When taehyung came and sit on the floor just across him. Jk can feel the distance in that action. He could have sat closer to him, But he didn't. This thought hurt him but he ignored it.

He observed tae is looking at his phone , he is not sparing a second to look at jk now. This pissing him more.

So he asked,
Jk: Taehyungie hyung!! Do you like to go out today with me? Its been a while.
Tae: We can't be seen in public jungkookie. You know that. Bang pd has asked us to keep it down for a while.

But it has been a while, jk thought. He didn't say this to tae because tae still was busy in his phone.

Jk : then spend time with me in our room. We can play games and you know we can do other stuffs too.
Tae : I can't jungkookie , i am tired. I had busy schedule whole day and i have to leave early tomorrow.
Jk : we can sleep together.
Tae : sure let me just-

Tae phone start ringing right at that moment. He picked it up. It was bogum. He asked tae if he wants to go arcade with them. He said yes. He fucking said yes to him while he denied to jk just few minutes ago.

Now that was it. Jk got it. He was not his priority anymore. And that hurts like bitch. He didn't say anything to tae after that. But he was so angry at that moment that if someone even poke him he would burst.

Tae : I' be back later . Bogum is waiting for me .Tell the hyungs i'll be late .

Jk listened and that was the poke.

Jk : And what about me ?

Tae : what about you?

Jk : what about me waiting on you? That does not matter.

Tae: what are you saying, jungkookie?

Jk: i . am . saying WHAT ABOUT ME!!!

Tae flinched at jk's yelling. Jk never yelled at him. He was looking at jk with wide eyes. All the hyungs hurried to the hall now. Jk was fuming with anger.
They were all quite shocked.

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