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Taehyung and jk both went to Bang PD's office together. They knocked and asked to came in.
Bang pd was in serious expression. They both sat when bang pd started his side of conversation.

Bang pd : Jungkook, I am disappointed on you today. Is BTS and other members are less important than taehyung? You didn't think once before leaving. You didn't listen even to your leader.
Jk was ashamed of his actions. He never wanted to leave but  staying away from tae was getting impossible. He loved all members but their is something about tae that make him feel happy and at home in their dorm.

Jk: I am sorry, sir. I never intended to do that. Being a part of BTS was my dream and i love all the members. But i couldn't stay away from taehyungie hyung. He is my best friend. He makes me feel at home. Please let us stay together.

Tears started to form in jk's eyes.
Tae started to get nervous. He couldn't form words to say.

Bang pd: Taehyung what do you feel for jk? Is he your best friend or something else?
Tae: I...I d-don't know what i feel for jk anymore. He is my best friend, but jimin is also my best friend. I like to kiss and sleep and hug jungkookie , but i never did those things to jimin. When he left yesterday i was too much hurt to put in words.

Jk was listening quietly. He was happy to hear tae's confession. He always thought tae seemed him as a best friend only just like jimin, but now he knew it was different for tae too.

Bang pd was listening both of them quietly. He knew both were in love but not named their friendship as love yet. Bang pd had no problem with homosexuality. Many of his friends were gay. But both jk and tae were minors. He needed to look after them and protect them.

Bang pd: Okay, i understand your feelings. I let both of you discover your true feelings for each other by yourself. Find out why you both feel different for each other then other people. But as part of BTS you need to keep your feelings for each other hidden. You can't sleep or touch or kiss each other while you are on stage or any public place for the sake of your members. If people ship you more even after that then i would be lenient with both of you. Till then control yourselves and focus on your careers.

Both nodded and happy for each other. They saved their friendship.

Days went by and taekook became inseparable with every passing days. ARMY ( BTS ' fandom ) shipped taekook more than other members. They loved their moments. Find hidden meanings in their touches. Sometimes notice their jealous moments espically of jungkook. Bang pd and other members tried to hide as much taekook moments as possible but keeping them away from each other getting impossible. But they still didn't tell each other about their love for each other.

How will they confess their true feelings?

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