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Jk is on his bed at his home. His parents got worried when he came here without any notice. He told them that he miss them and he is only here for three days. They had dinner but jk was not hungry so he retire to his room with the excuse of exhaustion.

He is now thinking about last night. It still hurting how tae blamed him. He would never do that to him if the situation were reverse but he know tae is right. It was his fault.

He need to be careful from now on. He won't disturb tae anymore. He won't ask for his time. He would not even utter a word or give him a look if he don't like. Jk is crying. He really loves tae but the bitch word and blame word is roaming inside his mind.

He sat up on his bed and removed his tears and wear his armour. He is strong. He can do this. He will be fine by his own. He promised himself not to bother tae anymore now. He thought if tae wants to break up he wont say anything.

He went to sleep crying.

3 days later "

Tae is waiting for jk in their practice room. Jk has not returned yet. The last 3 days was pure torture. He did his schedules and came back home with empty bed with no jk beside him. In these 3 days he realized what jk felt all these days. It was lonely in bed alone.

Tae wants his jungkookie back. He would never do this again. He will love him with all. If jk will forgive him. He will not go anywhere without him. He promised himself to give all his time to jk and never hurt him again.

Jk entered in their room with his smile. All the members turned towards him with concern in their eyes.

Tae forget to breathe  seeing him after 3 days. It felt like 3 years to him.

Jhope : jkayyyyy !!!

He hugged him which jk returned with his usual  ' jhoppppeee '.
Tae felt relaxed. He felt jk is normal now. He is fine now. Jk hugged everyone . Tae waited for his turn too but it never came. Jk didnt even look at him. Like he doesn't even exist for him anymore. Tae felt like crying. He turned his back from him.

Jimin noticed that though he felt bad but he some how know what jk is doing. Its not right but it is kind of punishment tae deserves, so he decided to say anything until its too much.

'Tae needs to know the value of jk and he needs to know what jk means in his life ',  jimin thought.

Jk : come on we need to practice our ass off. Show is tomorrow. Lets get it. No more drama.

Jk looked tae when his back was turned. He wanted to hug him but he didn't. He can't bother him anymore.

Tae put his poker face and come back to his position. They practiced for hours. Tae looked at jk through mirror but jk didnt even looked his way once.
It hurts tae at alot.

Even during lunch jk eats with everyone but didn't even talk or look at tae.

When they went home , jk went straight to bathroom for shower.

' He has to talk to me or look at me eventually. I am his roommate . He cant ignore me. I talk to him then. ', tae thought that with hope to talk to jk tonight. But when they  were having dinner together, jk asked jimin if he can change his room with him.

Jimin looked at tae.  Tae looked at his  plate. Jimin agreed with jk to change room but he said they will not change stuff as he was so exhausted.
Jk agreeed.

' He doesn't want to be anywhere near me . He hates me !! 'tae thought with tears in his eyes. He looked at jk but jk was looking at his plate.

Tae got up from the table and went straight to his bedroom. He came back with his pillow and quilt and put them on sofa.

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