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Jk returned from wherever he was for last two days. Tae was not sleeping well or eating well. He messaged jungkook but jk ignored him.

Everyone gathered in the hall for discussing their new album. Tae just returned back from somewhere.

RM : tae you are here ? Come tell us about your song  so we can be more specific in album about it.

Tae told him all about the album. Tae looked at jk who was smiling on his phone while chatting . He saw  eunwoo 's name on top of chat  so he got pissed.

" It must be him , right jungkookie? Since you are so happy. " Tae commented with bitterness.

Jungkook lift his eyes to tae's comment.

" None of your business. You have bogum.  why are you worried anyways ? " Jk replied with same tone.

Everyone can feel the acceleration and the hurt both taekook was experiencing. It's a lot of misunderstanding.

Tae stood up on jk's comment.

Tae : shut up jungkook. It's enough you know. I just went out to hang out for some hours. It's not a big deal.

Jk : it's never for you ever anyways. You knew my feelings about him but you still choose him over my feelings like you did before.

Tae : You never forgive me . Did you? Why are you bringing all that here?

Jk : it's not me , it's you who did bring him between us again.

Tae : at least i didn't fuck him. Like you did.

Jk got up and pushed tae hard on chest.

Jk : you are an idiot. I lied.

Tae : what I know ? You se happy talking to him now .

Jk : of course he is my friend.

Tae : so is bogum.

Jk hate tae was taking bogum side again. It's in like deja vu.

Jk : then go to your friend. If i am nothing to you tae leave me alone.

Tae hate this line he thought it was only because of eunwoo jk was talking about leaving him.

Tae : fine. Suit yourself. Bogum is waiting for me anyways .

Tae went out again and jk start crying. From that same line again.

Jimin : jungkookie he is just...

Jk : doing it again. Fucked up again. Confused again. He is fine leaving me for that bogum.

Jin:  it's just misunderstanding...

Jk stopped him and messaged tae.

     ' ITS OVER '.

** After 3 month **

Both taekook are not talking to each other anymore. It's was getting harder each other. The whole group was divided between those two. All of them don't hang out together anymore.

Tae and jungkook don't look at each other. They shifted their rooms. Tae roam with bogum alot so is jk with eunwoo. They both try to proof something and to try to hurt each other more.

Everyone is worried for group as well as their maknaes.

Today they are listening their songs. It's been 3 month since both taekook were together in same room. As well as It's the first time tae was going to listen Euphoria. The cause of whole deed .

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