Chapter 2 || Wanted

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Annabelle sighed as she opened the big glass doors to the entrance of the hospital. The same hospital her father died at. The same hospital where her mom and brother are being taken care of. She padded to the front desk where a middle aged woman sat. "How may I help you?" She asked, looking up at the young Japanese girl. "My name is Annabelle Tachi. I'm here to see Amy and Cairo Tachi." Annabelle replied.

"Miss Tachi is awake and alert, you may go see her. Her room is 204." Annabelle nodded and thanked the lady. She walked to the elevator which wasn't that far from the lobby. She pressed the button that had an arrow pointing up. She waited a few seconds before the empty elevator reached her. She stepped in and pressed the button labeled '2.'

Once she had gotten to her designated floor, she stepped out of the elevator. 204. 204. 204. The number repeated in her head over and over until she reached the room. The wooden door had a small glass window where Annabelle peeked through. There she saw her mother hooked up to some tubes and wires. She lay there awake, looking up at the ceiling.

After a few seconds, Annabelle sucked in a breath and turned the knob, opening the door. This causes her mother to look to her right as relief fills her. "Hey mom." Annabelle gave a slight smile as she sat down in the chair next to her mother. "Hi sweetheart." Her voice sounded hoarse which broke young Annabelle's heart.

"How are you feeling?" Annabelle asked, holding out her hand. Her mother's burnt hand intertwined with her oldest daughter's. "I'm better than I was two days ago." Her mom chuckled a bit, which caused her to let out a loud cough. "They said the smoke damaged my vocals." She said roughly.

Suddenly the door opened, both women turned around and faced a man. He closed the door behind him and walked towards both girls. He was wearing a black suit and tie and he looked to be in his 30's. "Hello ladies, my name is Abraham Fisher. I work with the OFI, I'm here to talk to you both about the fire at your apartment two days ago." He held out his hand to Annabelle, she hesitated a bit but she shook his hand.

In his hand were files that Annabelle was unfamiliar with, he took a seat on the window couch next to Belle's mom as Annabelle sat down in the chair on the opposite side. "We had some of the firefighters on scene do a secondary search with OFI and we have a reason to believe the fire was set intentionally." Annabelle gasped. Her mother slumped her head and said, "It was." Fisher nodded.

"Why do you think it was intentional Miss Tachi?" He asked the brown haired woman, her eyes filled with tears. "When the fire started, I was locked in my room while doing laundry." She explained as tears rolled down her cheeks. "So dad, Adrian, and Rivka were murdered?" Annabelle asked Fisher. "Yes. However, arsonists are very difficult to pin down. This investigation will take time." He said.

He later stood up and walked out the door, but before he closed it he said, "Take care ladies." He then shut the door behind him. Annabelle's neon green eyes filled with tears. Most of her family was murdered and all she had left was her mom and little brother.

After spending nearly three hours in the hospital; talking, laughing, and crying with her mother, Annabelle finally decided to go home. She turned on her GPS on her phone to get back to Fallon's house. Her friend couldn't pick her up because she was working late.

Suddenly, Annabelle's phone died which meant she didn't know how to get back to her friend's house from where she was. "Shit." She muttered under her breath as she put her phone into her hoodie pocket. She rounded a corner into an alleyway, crossing at a dead end.

Suddenly, a dozen men in black ninja suits and masks jump down from the rooftops. They drew their weapons and readied themselves for battle. "What the hell is this?!" The young girl yelled, but to no avail. A thirteenth ninja dropped down from the roof, he was wearing the same uniform as the other twelve ninjas but he had his mask off to reveal his pale skin, dark blue hair, and brown eyes.

"Because you're very important to us, Miss Tachi." The man chuckled as Annabelle gasped. "How do you know my name?" The girl asked as she held up her fists in a defensive state. She had anger held in her eyes to hide her fear when the man walked closer to her. "Get the fuck away from me!" She yelled, throwing a punch to the boy's nose. A snap echoed throughout the air as the boy groaned in pain, holding his now broken nose.

"You little bitch." He muttered before he charged at Annabelle at full force. She was a second too slow to dodge his attack and she was rammed into the wall. Her head was spinning after the impact but she shook off the pain. Her anger grew as she tightened up her fists, swinging another punch at the boy but he just blocked it.

After more punches and kicks were thrown, Annabelle started feeling like something was taking over her body. "What's wrong little girl?" The boy asked as Annabelle was on her knees, pain surging through her body. Once she got back up, she snapped her head back behind her. The boy stood there in shock. Her eyes were no longer the neon green color that held spark in them, they were a deep purple that held anger.

She let out a growl before charging at the boy but before she could strike him, a dozen ninjas overpowered her. The girl didn't give up, she kept fighting her way through the ninjas. However, the fighting was cut short when shurikens were thrown from left and right. She managed to dodge all of them, but when the final one was thrown, she wasn't able to avoid it. She let out a hiss of pain as she saw that the shuriken was lodged deep into her shoulder.

Her eyes then went from deep purple back to green within seconds. She later stumbled back into a wall and passed out from the pain. "Take her." The boy smirked at his victory, until an object was thrown at him.

"Let the lady go Kade and we'll call it a night." A rough Brooklyn accent spoke to Kade as dragged the girl by her long black hair. Four shadows appeared in front of the boy as he held the unconscious girl. The four shadows emerged from the darkness, revealing themselves as six foot turtles each with a different colored mask.

"I don't have time for you freaks." Kade snarled, causing the red banded turtle to smirk. "Donnie, Raph, grab that girl. Mikey and I will cover you." The blue clad turtle motioned Mikey to follow him while Donnie and Raph split up.

Soon, the two turtles were fighting all twelve ninjas while Donnie and Raph were fighting Kade. "We got her Leo!" Donnie yelled to his oldest brother. "Alright, let's move." Leo signaled his brothers to follow him as they disappeared into the night with the black haired girl in Donnie's arms. "We'll get her next time fellas." Kade let out a small chuckle as he and his ninjas also disappeared.

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