Chapter 3 || Strange Place

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"How is she Donnie?" Leo asked his genius younger brother as they continued to sprint to their home. "She's losing blood." Donnie said through his panting. After a few minutes, they had finally arrived at the abandoned subway station where their lair was.

Once they arrived, Donatello sprinted to his lab with Leo close on his heels. Raph and Mikey stayed behind and went to their living room where a girl who had short black hair cascading down to her shoulders. She also wore a grey tee shirt and black leggings. Next to her was a small orange cat sleeping peacefully.

"Mikey, what's going on?" She asked as the orange clad turtle sat down next to her, wrapping his arms around her as she placed her head on his plastron. "We found this girl getting attacked by Foot ninjas, Donnie took her back into his lab." Mikey said, running his hands through her hair.

"Leo, hand me the stitches and bandages." Donnie instructed his oldest brother. He had his hands placed on the girl's shoulder, keeping pressure on her wound. Leo scrambled through the boxes when he finally found the stitches and the bandages. He placed them on the metal table that the unconscious girl was laying on.

"Grab the scissors." Donnie pointed to his desk where a pair of scissors laid. Leo quickly grabbed them and handed them to his younger brother. "I'm gonna cut her shirt, it'll be easier to slip off so I can treat the wound." Donnie said as he started cutting up the girl's teal long sleeve shirt. Once it was cut, Leo slipped it off of her, revealing her grey bra.

Donnie then picked up a rag and soaked it in warm water to clean up the blood around the shuriken. Once he cleaned up the blood, he motioned Leo to rinse off the rags as well as fill up the bowl with fresh water. Leo then came back with fresh rags and a fresh bowl of warm water.

"Alright, this is going to be the difficult part. I'm going to pull the shuriken out and I need you to hold her down." Leo rushed to the girl's side as the red clad turtle came into the lab. "Raph, hold down her legs, I'll hold down her upper body." Raph nodded as he stood next to Leo, holding down her legs as Leo held down her upper body.

Donnie steadied one hand on the girl's chest and the other on the shuriken. He sucked in a breath and started to slowly pull out the shuriken. This caused the girl to let out an ear splitting scream that echoed throughout the lair. "I'm really sorry." Donnie muttered under his breath as he continued to pull it out. The girl passed out again from the surging pain in her shoulder. Raph quickly handed Donnie a soaked rag as he cleaned out the wound.

After two hours, the three turtles emerged from the lab, their hands covered in blood. "Is she okay?!" A female voice came from the entrance of the lair. Her short blonde hair cascaded down her shoulders, her dark blue eyes held concern in them. She wore her work uniform which was a red dress with a white apron.

"Fal? What are you doing?" The fearless leader asked the girl. "Donnie texted me. He said that you guys found a girl and Belle hasn't come home yet." Fallon explained to her blue clad friend. Leonardo led Fallon to the living room where Mikey was.


It's been three days since Annabelle was found by four turtles. Donnie always went into Leo's room just to check up on the young girl. Leo didn't want the girl to sleep on the metal table so she slept in his clean and organized room.

Annabelle's shoulder surged with pain as she fluttered her eyes open. To her surprise, she wasn't in her own room. She groaned as she tried to sit up with both arms. The pain led her to cry out in pain as she continued to sit up. She was wearing the same clothes she wore three days ago, minus her shirt.

Suddenly, the door swung open, causing her to turn her head in that direction. She gasped when she saw the purple banded turtle approach her. "Ma'am, please don't scream." Donatello held up both of his hands as a sign of reassurance. "Why would I?" Annabelle asked as Donnie sat down next to her.

"Looks like the medicine wore off. How is your shoulder?" Donnie examined the girl's shoulder. "It hurts like hell. Also, how long have I been out?" She asked. "Three days." The turtle replied.

"I'll be right back with some pain medicine." Donnie said, getting up from his spot. But before he could exit the girl stopped him. "What's your name?" She asked. "Donatello." The turtle replied before he left the room.

"How is she Donnie?" The blue clad turtle asked as soon his brother was visible. "She's awake and alert. I'm just getting some more medicine for her." Donnie replied, walking into his lab. He stayed in there for a few seconds before walking out, carrying a pill bottle and a water bottle.

Once he had gotten back to his oldest brother's room, he saw the girl still in the same position as before. He dumped out one pill and handed it to her, along with the water bottle. She put the pill in her mouth and swallowed it down with water.

"I have a question." The purple clad turtle spoke up. Annabelle turned to face him, raising a brow. "How did you get that white streak in your hair?" He asked, pointing to the thick white streak in the girl's hair. "I was born with it. My dad and older brother had the white streak as well." Annabelle replied. This made Donatello's chocolate eyes widen.

"Are you okay...uhh..?" Annabelle trailed off, realizing she doesn't even know the turtle's name. "Donatello, although everyone here calls me Donnie." The purple banded turtle chuckled. "Is it okay if I take a shower?" The young girl asked. "Sure, the bathroom is just across the hall." Donnie pointed towards the door. Annabelle thanked the turtle and exited the room.

A/N- Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed chapter 3! I just want to say that on Thursday I'm going back to SC for my grandfather's funeral. I'll try and update this as much as I can while I'm gone. I'll be back on Sunday (July 18th).

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