Chapter 13 || The Art Of Vengeance

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"What do you want to talk to me about?" Young Annabelle asked her mother as they both sat down at the dining room table. She figured it would be a good time to talk to her daughter about who started the fire at their old house, even though they weren't on good terms. She knew that she wanted to make things right with her daughter. She couldn't lose another child.

"I know who started the fire." She muttered, but she knew Annabelle would hear her. Amy pulled out a piece of cloth she was able to find during the fire, it had the Foot symbol on it. She handed it to her daughter so she could get a better look at it. When Annabelle looked at the symbol, she growled in frustration. The Foot killed half of her family. But why would her mother hide this from her?

Annabelle glared at her mother. She was done with the secrets and the lies. "What is it with you keeping things from me?!" The girl was practically yelling at this point. However, her eyes weren't purple. She didn't want rage to blind her. "It's for your own good!" Her mother yelled back which surprised her. Her mother never shouts or even yells at her children.

"I didn't want my children involved with The Foot or the deal your father made with them." She calmed herself down, she didn't want to yell at her child. She wanted this to be a civil conversation. "I need to know more about the Foot." Annabelle's eyes were filled with desperation and anger. "I thought Leonardo would tell you." The girl blushed at his name which caused her to think about the events last night.

"Belle." Annabelle snapped out of her trance. "Were you thinking about him?" Her mom smirked, causing Annabelle's cheeks to heat up. "Mom!" The girl facepalmed. She then sucked in a breath and sighed. "Leo and I are dating." She felt embarrassed telling her mother about her and Leo's relationship. "About time. I've seen the way you two look at each other." Annabelle then changed the topic.

"Okay, enough about Leo and I." She said before getting back on track. "The Foot is led by Saki's daughter, Karai. Her second in command is a boy named Kade." Annabelle was briefly told about Karai, but she knew Kade all too well. "Their new headquarters are not too far from here." Her mother continued. This was all she needed to know, the leader and where they were.

"I have to go mom, I promised Leo I would come home earlier." Annabelle said as she got up from her chair, putting on a fake smile. "Okay sweetie, I love you." Her mother put on a genuine smile. The young girl felt a piece of her heart break, her mother was oblivious as to what her daughter was about to do.

"How was seeing your mom?" Donatello greeted the girl as she entered what feels like her new home. She's been living in the turtle's lair for two months, the fearless leader knew she would be much safer if she was staying with them. He was right, if she went back to her mother's place, the Foot would've followed her.

"Good." She simply stated before heading towards the dojo. She knew fearless would be in there at this time. She had to speak to Leonardo about what she heard. She opened the sliding door to find Leonardo training. He was flinging his sword in different directions. His training was soon interrupted by a cough from his girlfriend.

"Back so soon?" He asked, giving Annabelle a smirk. She didn't say anything. She didn't smile. Leo noticed this and wrapped his arms around the girl's waist. "What's wrong, love?" He asked the girl. She blushed a bit when he called her that, it was definitely something that she needed to get used to. They both sat down on the floor, Leo's arms were still around Annabelle's waist, so she was sitting in his lap.

The girl's bright green eyes began to fill with tears. "I know who started the fire and killed half of my family." Leonardo tilted his head to the side slightly. He was curious as to who did this and why. "The Foot did. My dad made a deal with them years ago and ended the deal after Shredder was killed. Karai ordered the ninjas to set the fire and kill us." She then let out a hard sob. Leo pulled her into a hug as her head rested on his plastron. He felt his heart break when his love started crying.

Leonardo knew Karai would push it, but he didn't think that she would go this far. "Belle, I have to tell you something." He said in almost a whisper. Annabelle peered upwards to face his ocean blue eyes. "When I told you about Splinter, I didn't tell you the full story. His real name was Hamato Yoshi, he used to be a human. He had a wife named Tang Shen and a daughter named Miwa." Annabelle was focused on Leo as he continued. "Saki challenged Yoshi to a duel to the death which caused a fire in their dojo. Tang Shen was caught in the crossfire and killed by Saki. Miwa was then taken by Shredder and renamed Karai." Annabelle's eyes widened in shock.

"So she's technically your sister?" The girl asked the blue clad turtle. He nodded. Leonardo's eyes were filled with sadness and guilt as he glanced at the scar on his shoulder, where Karai stabbed him shortly after he killed her 'father.' Unfortunately, Karai was so corrupted by Shredder that she didn't believe Leo. Now she seeks revenge on all four of the turtles. "So Karai was the one that gave you that scar?" Annabelle had snapped Leo out of his trance as her fingers traced over the scar.

"Yeah. Even though she worked for Shredder, she didn't want to kill us. But things had changed. I never finished her off because she's still family, even if darkness surrounds her heart." Leo rested his head on the girl's shoulder. He was listening to his own voice, he almost sounded like his father. His father fought for all five of them, even if his own daughter was loyal to his enemy.

"Leo, I'm so sorry." Annabelle said, her voice was almost a whisper. Leonardo listed his head up and softly placed his lips on hers. It was a short, soft kiss but filled with love. "We should probably see what Mikey is making for dinner." Leo chuckled before both of them got up and exited the dojo. Annabelle's heart broke because she couldn't tell Leo her plan, her plan of revenge.

Hi! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! This chapter had mainly the backstory of Karai's betrayal and some of Leo's past. Next chapter is where Annabelle's plan will take place.

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