Chapter 6 || Losing Control

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"Mom, this is Leonardo. He was the one that saved me." The girl's mother walked over to Leonardo, holding out her hand. He shook it. "Thank you for helping my daughter." She said as they pulled away from each other. "Of course, our job is to protect the city and that includes the people who live in it." He said.

"Who knew my mother would warm up to a giant turtle." Annabelle laughed as she and the fearless leader were jumping rooftops together. Leo was surprised about last night, he wasn't expecting Annabelle's mother to warm up to him. But then again, her husband and two of her kids weren't human either.

The two of them landed near a manhole cover, Leo sliding it off as Annabelle jumped down first. Leo climbed down after and slid the cover back into its original place. "So Leo..." Annabelle trailed off, thinking about what she was going to say next. "I have a hard time believing you four were growing up and surviving alone. Did you guys have parents?" She asked.

Leo slumped his head at the question, the girl noticed and rubbed the back of her neck. "I'm really sorry, I didn't mean-" Fearless cut her off as he sighed. "I had a father." He mumbled, but she heard him. "What was he like?" She asked as they continued walking throughout the sewers. "Well, he was a six foot rat. He used to be a human, but then he was mutated. He found us when we were babies when we were covered in the same ooze that mutated him." Leonardo was holding back his tears but he continued to speak.

"He trained us in ninjitsu when we were young. He was a caring and loving man, he valued his family over everything else." A tear rolled down Leo's cheek. He noticed this and hoped that Annabelle didn't see it. "What happened to him?" She asked, knowing that something was wrong. "Have you heard of the Foot Clan?" He asked. The girl shrugged, "They were the ones that attacked you. They're led by a woman called Karai." Leo said as Annabelle gasped.

"Why in the bloody hell were they after me?" The girl asked, fearless shrugged, he didn't know either. They finally arrived at the lair, Annabelle had nearly forgotten what it looked like. "Yo Leo, you brought Belle back!" Mikey yelled as he hugged the young girl. "It's good to see you too, Mikey." She chuckled before he let go of her.

After Annabelle said hello to the turtles and Briar since she just got off of work, she headed for the dojo. She had become so interested in the turtles and the way that they trained in ninjutsu, she wanted to train as well. She knew that the Foot would also come back for her eventually, she at least needed to know how to defend herself.

When she opened the wooden Japanese door, she found the red banded turtle lifting weights. He was too focused to notice Annabelle behind him. She coughed to get his attention, which startled him. He put down his weights and drew his sais. When he turned around, he glared at the black haired girl and placed his sais into his belt.

"Jesus Belle, give me a heart attack why don't ya." Annabelle slumped her head. "Sorry Raph, I didn't mean to." She apologized to the red banded turtle. He smirked in response, forgiving the girl. "So what brings you here?" His rough Brooklyn accent spoke up, causing her to shudder. "I want to train." She responded. Raphael's eyes widened.

"Absolutely not." He spoke up, coldly. The girl huffed and crossed her arms. "Why not?" She asked. "You won't understand." He responded. "The hell I won't! I was attacked by the Foot two weeks ago, I need to at least defend myself." At this point, she was pleading. Raph rolled his eyes but playfully, which confused the girl. She raised a brow when he spoke up.

"Fine. But don't expect me to go easy on ya sweetheart." He chuckled lightly. Annabelle punched his arm playfully. "Good. I was hoping you would give me a challenge." She giggled. Raphael then got in a fighting stance, Annabelle raised a brow. "I'm gonna teach you the basics first, which is hand-to-hand combat." The red clad turtle said. Annabelle got in the same stance as him, fists up, right leg in front, left leg in the back.

"Now, try to punch me." Raph instructed. Belle seemed unsure at first, she didn't want to hurt Raphael. She sighed and threw the punch, waiting for her fist to hit the red clad turtle's face. But instead, his palm engulfed the girl's fist. Her eyes widened in shock before he shoved her to the ground, landing on her ass. "You have to work faster, your enemies will predict your attack and they will take you down." Belle shook her head and snarled before Raph held out his hand. But when she took it, he shoved her down again. "Don't trust your enemies as well." He scolded.

After attempting to punch and kick Raph, it was no use. He has more skill than I do, how in the fuck am I going to land a blow on him? Annabelle was getting frustrated, sweat dripping off of her as her back was turned to Raphael. "Get up." His Brooklyn accent spoke up. No. I'm not going to get pushed around by him!

Her breathing was harsh and it started speeding up. Raph walked up behind her when he noticed this. He reached out his hand, but what he got in response shocked him. Annabelle grabbed his wrist and twisted it, which caused Raphael to curse out in pain. She then let go of him while he held his wrist.

When she turned around to face him, her neon green eyes were gone and were replaced by deep purple ones that held rage. She growled at the turtle before lunging at him, he didn't have time to act, she was pinning him down on the floor. "Annabelle! What the fuck!" He yelled, but she didn't listen. In a blink of an eye, she sank her claws into his left shoulder, causing the red banded turtle to once again yell out in pain.

When she was about to strike him again, she felt strong arms pulling her off of Raphael. She was hissing, clawing, and fighting the blue clad turtle. The pain didn't bother him as he continued to hold on to the unhinged girl. "Annabelle! It's me, Leo!" He turned her around to face him, his hold still on both of her wrists. She looked into the turtle's ocean blue orbs and widened her purple eyes in fear.

The deep purple eyes filled with rage then disappeared, being replaced with neon green ones filled with guilt. "Leo...I-" He then cut her off by embracing the scared girl. She hugged back timidly. "I know Belle, I know." He whispered so only she could hear him. Tears started to form in the girl's eyes. "I didn't mean to hurt him." She whispered.

Annabelle walked into Raph's room hesitantly, hugging herself in fear. She hurt her friend, she went on a rampage. "Belle." Raph's Brooklyn accent broke the girl's train of thought as she looked into his emerald green eyes. "Raph, I'm so sorry. I don't know what came over me." She slumped her head as she spoke those words. He chuckled slightly while rubbing his shoulder that showed deep red claw marks. "It's okay. I've been through worse." He said.

"I don't know what came over me." She mumbled, hoping Raph wouldn't hear her. "I could tell, your eyes were purple." He responded to her words. Belle's eyes widened, not again

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, tbh I really enjoyed writing it. I know maybe some of you weren't expecting Belle to lose her cool at Raph. Anyways, I'm working hard on these chapters so you guys will enjoy reading them, I sure as hell enjoy writing them :D

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