Chapter 20 || Leonardo's Last Stand

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Leonardo's heartbeat sped up, feeling the adrenaline rush from sprinting. He needed time away from his home. His heart broke because of all the things his brother, Raphael said. The blue clad turtle came to a stop, realizing he is far away from his home. The late December air rushed past him, sending shivers down his spine. Being a cold blooded turtle sucks during the winter, Leo had to make his patrols shorter due to the cold weather.

Leo placed his hand on his chest, catching his breath. He was about an hour away from the lair. The air was so cold that the turtle could see his own breath. "Damn." He muttered. He decided to go back the way he came from before his family worried about him.

He jumped the first rooftop, nearly missing it because of how weak his body is starting to become. Shaking off the cold, Leonardo sprinted to the next rooftop, jumping on it perfectly. He did that for the next few rooftops, unaware of the danger stalking him.

"Mistress, one of the turtles has come out of their hiding spot." Kade spoke through the earpiece he was wearing, he was whispering so the turtle couldn't hear him. "Which one?" The princess of the Foot Clan asked, growing impatient each minute. "Leonardo." Kade said with venom in his voice. "Alert all ninjas. I wish to finish him myself." Karai commanded. "Yes mistress."

As the blue clad turtle continued his sprint, six foot ninjas jumped down from different rooftops. "You've gotta be kidding me." He muttered through his panting. He didn't have time for this, he needed to get back home before he freezes. Fearless unsheathed both of his katanas while the ninjas drew their weapons. "Come get me bitches!" He yelled before charging at the ninjas.

The first ninja blocked Leo's katana right as he swung it at him, but he quickly overpowered the ninja as he slashed at his chest. Blood splattered on the fearless leader, but he was too focused on taking out the other five ninjas. The blue clad turtle charged at the next closest ninja, punching the guy in the face and then kicking him in the stomach.

Leonardo stood in one place, out of breath and blood covering his body. Most of the blood belonged to the six ninjas that attacked him. The oldest turtle lightly placed his fingers on the large gash on his cheek. He hissed in pain before continuing on his route home. He knew he would have to explain this to his brothers but he didn't focus on that.

Suddenly, more ninjas appeared in front of the turtle. He let out a low growl, signaling the ninjas that he ain't messing around. At the same time, his body was becoming weaker by the minute. Leo couldn't give in to the pain, not right now. He let out a battle cry before charging at the ninjas.

It was a bloodbath, five ninjas were killed by the turtle's hands. Leonardo got down on his hands and knees, his body was worn out. Blood soaked his mask, his own and the ninjas. Get up Leonardo! Get the hell up! A voice was screaming in his mind, yelling at him to fight back. The blue clad turtle pushed himself off the ground, but before he could react, he felt an unbreakable amount of pain in his left eye.

One of the ninjas managed to slash his katana at Leo's eye. The fearless leader let out a yell of pain. Warm blood gushed out of his eye, partially blinding him. He then threw a shuriken at the ninja's head, killing him. "FUCK YOU!" He yelled. His hand is pressed against his eye, keeping pressure on the wound. Anger was filling his mind, this wasn't him.

Instead of jumping on rooftops, Leo decided to walk on solid ground. He ducked in and out of alleyways, being as cautious as he could. He then ended up in a junkyard, unaware of the danger that followed him. "Well well well..." The fearless leader didn't need to turn around to know that Karai was behind him.

Leonardo fully turned his body around, his hand still putting pressure on his wound. "Stop hiding behind your ninjas! Face me Karai!" Leo yelled, unsheathing one of his bloody katanas. He was completely blinded in his left eye because of the blood pouring down his face. Suddenly, a chain is wrapped around Leo's left arm, pulling him towards the hidden ninja. One of the ninja charges towards him, only for Leonardo to throw his katana at his head, killing him.

The hidden ninja started stabbing through the wooden fence, the turtle avoided each blow. More ninjas busted through the wooden fence, causing Leo to stumble a bit. Another ninja kicked the turtle in the face, mainly his eye. He let out a hiss in pain, but it didn't stop him from dodging a punch from the same ninja. He then punched the ninja in the chin and then in the stomach, pinning him down and kicking him away.

Another ninja attempted to punch Leonardo again, but he blocked it and kicked him away with full force. Before Leo could react, a ninja kicked him straight into another wooden fence. Leo's body busted through with ease, landing on another platform below him. He slowly pushed himself up with pain surging through his shoulder, it was dislocated. He applied pressure, popping the bone back in its place. He peered up, revealing five more ninjas waiting for him. "Ah fuck me.." The oldest turtle muttered more curses under his breath. Karai wore an evil smirk on her face, entertained by Leonardo's suffering.

The ninjas began to charge at the turtle as he unsheathed his other katana. He sprinted to the closest ninja, driving his blade deep into the guy's chest before kicking him away. Another ninja charged at the turtle, but Leo's blade split the ninja's head open. By this point, Leonardo was covered in blood, his own and the ninjas.

More ninjas charged at him, but only met their fates by a katana blade. Leo hoisted himself up on another platform, the next ninja did the same. He let out a battle cry before roughly driving the blade into his chest. Another ninja attempted to sneak up behind the blue clad turtle but he quickly slipped his dagger out of his elbow pad and stabbed the ninja in the neck. Leo panted as he watched the lifeless body drop down into the cold water below.

One of the ninjas was still alive, grabbing Leo's ankle. In shock, the fearless leader backed up, only to plummet down into the cold water below. After a few seconds, he emerged from the water. He laid down flat on his shell, shaking and shivering from the cold. Pushing himself off the ground, he immediately felt a surging pain in his leg. He glanced at his now bloody leg, his own dagger was lodged deep into his calf.

He was down on his knees, he couldn't handle the cold, the pain, everything. Karai kicked him in the shell, causing him to fall flat on his stomach. With all of her strength, she pressed her foot on Leo's shell, causing him to cry out in pain. This lasted a few seconds until the turtle was unconscious. "What should we do with him, mistress?" Kade asked, crossing his arms. "Leave him here. We'll use fearless leader as bait." The leader of the Foot Clan let out a sinister laugh before gathering her ninjas.

Welp, that's it! I'm sorry for the cliffhanger lol. Anyways, for those of you who don't know, the Foot ninjas are people not robots. Leo has a kill count xD! But, book two will be released somewhere around later this week. Thank you all so much for reading, love you all :)

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