Chapter 18 || Dangerous Roads

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Karai sat on her throne, playing around with her kunai. She groaned in frustration just as her second in command walked in. "Mistress, I have gathered all of the ninjas. What is our next move?" The boy bowed down as Karai smirked. "Send out all of the ninjas. Search the rooftops, sewers, wherever. Bring the turtles and their little pets here alive. I wish to finish them off myself." She let out a slight chuckle.

"As you wish." Kade bowed again and exited the room. Karai's amber eyes were filled with evil, the sinister woman wanted the turtles to pay for what they did to her father, especially Leonardo.

Leonardo's brothers were beaten and down. He was the only one standing. His breathing became heavy as he began to tire. The fearless leader pushed himself off the ground, grabbing his only katana. Shredder had already broken the other sword. As soon as Leo grabbed his katana, Shredder attempted to make one final blow. His claws were stopped by Leonardo's hands.

Leo then kicked Shredder in the stomach while getting up. He picked up his katana, "It's time we end this Saki!" The blue clad turtle yelled. "I agree." His menacing voice made Leo shiver. He couldn't be scared. For his brothers and for his fallen master. Leonardo's dark blue eyes became a solid white, filled with anger. He was ready to finally end the Shredder. Shredder's claws extended as Leonardo tightened his grip on the katana handle. They both let out a battle cry in unison while charging at each other.

Leonardo landed on his knees, his hand still gripped on his now bloody katana. He peered behind him to see Shredder's limp and headless body fall to the ground. He's dead. The turtle couldn't believe it, he killed Oroku Saki. Suddenly, a stinging pain could be felt in his right leg. The blue clad turtle glanced at his bleeding leg. "Shredder must've sliced it." He muttered.

Using his katana, Leo used his strength to push himself up. When he stood up on both feet, he winced in pain from his injured leg. "LEO!" He heard his brother, Raphael's voice. The red banded turtle was covered in dirt, sweat, and blood. He used his left arm to sort of hug his older brother while his right arm gripped at his stomach.

Raphael's emerald eyes widened in fear as he let go of his brother. Leonardo let out a cry of pain as a knife was thrown at his shoulder. The red clad turtle glared at the one who was responsible. Karai. "What the hell Karai?!" Raph screamed as his brother fell forward, landing on the concrete.

"YOU KILLED MY FATHER!" She yelled, causing Raph to let out a low growl. His hands gripped the handles of his sais until he realized that all of his brothers were beaten. He pulled out a smoke bomb and threw it harshly to the ground. As purple smoke surrounded the girl, the brothers vanished.

The thought about the turtles killing her father had always haunted her. "I will kill you Leonardo...and your pathetic family." She sneered.


Fallon buried her hands into the pockets of black winter jacket. The cold December air hit her in the face, it was so cold that she could see her own breath. She rounded a corner into an alleyway where the entrance to her apartment was. Once she opened the door, two shurikens landed in the wall inches away from her face.

She quickly motioned herself to pull out her tessen, but before she could react, she was kicked in the stomach. She let out a groan of pain as she gripped her stomach, peering upwards at the foot ninjas in front of her. "Oh shit." She muttered.

"Well well well, what do we have here?" A menacing voice emerged from the group of Foot ninjas. "What do you want, Kade?" Fallon snarled, letting go of her stomach and pulling out her tessen from it's hidden spot in her jeans. Kade quickly threw a punch at the blonde haired girl, knocking her on her stomach.

She could feel warm blood trickling down her nose as she groaned in pain again. "You're weak, just like your little boyfriend Donatello." Kade sneered. "Your insults won't affect me, asshole." She grumbled before Kade kicked her hard in the chest. She then quickly pulled out her only smoke bomb and threw it on the ground, disappearing in the purple smoke.

Fallon stumbled into the sewers, finding her usual way to the lair. Her head was throbbing because of how hard she was kicked into a brick wall. She finally reached the abandoned subway station the turtles called home. She fell to her knees as she gripped her temple. Fallon felt strong arms wrap around her waist and pushed her up. "Donnie!" The orange clad turtle yelled before the blonde haired girl passed out.

Donatello sat at his computer, glancing over at his unconscious girlfriend from time to time. His chocolate eyes were filled with worry. The girl had just gotten out of being jumped by the Foot and escaped with a concussion, a cracked rib, and a bruised nose.

Suddenly, Donnie could hear a groan from the metal table where Fallon was passed out. He jumped up from his chair and rushed over to her side. She pushed herself up, but it only resulted in her letting out a yelp of pain. "Take it easy, babe. You have a cracked rib and a concussion." Fallon placed her hand on his, causing him to give her a sweet smile.

"I was jumped by god damn Foot ninjas." Fallon snarled at mentioning the Foot. Donatello let out a slight growl, causing the girl to snap her head in Donnie's direction. "Thank god you're okay." He said as he placed a kiss on her lips.

The lab door swung open, revealing a severely beaten up Briar. "Set her down." Donatello pointed to the chair next to his computer. "What happened to her?" Fallon asked as she lay back down. Briar looked worse than Fallon, her face was covered in small cuts and bruises. Her left arm was bleeding from a deep cut that was possibly from a knife.

"What the hell is going on?" Leo asked as he, Mona Lisa, and Raph entered the lab. "She said that she was jumped by Foot ninjas." Michelangelo spoke up, worry was filled in his baby blue eyes. "What's weird is that there were way more Foot ninjas when I was jumped, there were like thirty of them including Kade." Fallon said.

"So why is the Foot activity increasing?" Raphael asked, glancing over at his older brother. "They're hunting us." He muttered.

Here we go with another double update! The italic writing was a flashback when Leo killed Shredder, for anyone wondering. We got two chapters to go and both of them are going to be TENSE!

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