Chapter 9 || Connection

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WARNING- This chapter contains a PG-13 scene. If ya know what I mean-

Everyday for two weeks, Leonardo has been denying his feelings for young Annabelle. He avoids eye contact and barely speaks to her. The girl started to become concerned about his behavior but never asked him or his brothers about it, not even Raph.

"Belle, what's wrong?" Fallon asked the young girl who was just staring at her coffee. Both of the girls haven't had a girls day since some of Annabelle's family died. They also invited Briar as well since they became close with her.

Annabelle let out a sigh. "Leo's been avoiding me for two weeks. At first we were always talking and hanging out, but now he acts like I'm not there anymore." The girl's neon green eyes started to fill with tears. She thought they had a spark, a connection. Hell, she even started to fall for him.

Briar glanced to the side, causing both Fallon and Annabelle to raise a brow. She definitely knew more than what was going on. "Briar?" Fallon finally spoke up. "I'm not sure if Leo told you this but he used to have a girlfriend." Briar took a sip of her coffee before continuing. "Her name was Maisie, and they knew each other since they were thirteen. One day, she was captured and mortally wounded by Shredder. Leo was able to save her but once he arrived at the lair, she had lost too much blood and died." She explained. Both of the girl's eyes widened. Even though Fallon had known Leonardo for two years, she never heard this before.

"Leo never talked about her because it was too painful." She took another sip of her coffee. Belle's heart broke at what her friend told her. Leo first lost his girlfriend and then his father. "He's afraid of losing me." Annabelle whispered but the two other girls heard her clearly.


"What do you mean I'm not going out?" Annabelle asked the blue clad turtle, her voice filled with frustration. "You nearly got killed last time." He responded, his arms crossed and his ocean blue eyes held ice in them. "Leo, you can't keep me down here for fucks sake!" The girl yelled.

"I know how to defend myself-" Leo cut her off. "By attacking on blind rage." Leonardo then felt a stinging pain in his cheek. Belle had slapped him, her eyes were now that deep purple filled with anger.

Annabelle realized this and shook her head. "Fuck, I'm sorry." She facepalmed. She knew that her rage couldn't get the better of her, especially in front of the turtle she loved. He then turned around and started walking in the other direction. Annabelle grabbed Leonardo's hand, which caused him to snap his head in her direction.

"Leo, why have you been avoiding me?" Her voice was stern, meaning she wanted a direct answer. Leonardo blushed, the tone of her voice sent shivers down his spine. He fully turned around to face her, his ocean blue eyes meeting her bright green ones. He then grabbed her other hand, causing Annabelle to blush slightly.

"Annabelle..." He trailed off, thinking of what to say. Come on Leo, you can do this damnit. "You are really special to me. Every time I'm around you, I feel a connection with you-" Leonardo was cut off when Annabelle smashed her lips into his, he felt his nervousness dissolve and desire and lust consumed him. He kissed back roughly while wrapping his arms around her waist while she wrapped her arms around his neck.

The girl then broke away from the kiss, causing Leo to smirk. "What's the matter?" He asked the girl, still holding on to her. "What if the guys come back?" That's when he realized that they were both still in the living room. Leo agreed to watch Annabelle while his brothers went out on patrol. "They won't be back until another two hours." He glanced at her bright green eyes that were also filled with lust.

Before she could say anything, Leo smashed his lips into hers again. Their kiss was a battle for dominance. Without breaking the kiss, Leo slipped his hands underneath the girl's thighs, lifting her legs off the ground and wrapping them around his waist. He then started carrying her to his bedroom, still not breaking the kiss.

Once they reached fearless' bedroom, he softly placed her on the bed. He then climbed on top of her, kissing her once again. He started trailing kisses down her neck, causing her to let out a moan. She then sat up and slipped off her hunter green shirt, only leaving herself in a black bra and black shorts. "God you're so beautiful." His voice was rough, which was a turn on for Annabelle.

She then took this opportunity to start trailing kisses down his neck, causing fearless to let out a growl. While she was doing that, his hands roamed down her body, finally reaching her shorts. He slid them off of her and tossed them to the side. Annabelle was now sitting on his lap, his eyes glanced at her semi-naked body. He couldn't deny that she was sexy, but he knew he loved her for who she was.

Annabelle placed both of her hands on Leo's face, causing him to snap out of his trance. "Are you sure you wanna do this?" The girl asked, now wrapping her arms around his neck. Was he ready to do this? "Of course I do." He replied, one of his hands was on her bare waist while his other hand was playing with her hair. "You seem unsure." Her smile turned into a frown, Leo smirked before pinning her down to the bed. He held her hands above her head and placed his lips on her neck.

"You should know by now that I mean what I say." He smirked against her neck before nibbling on it, causing Annabelle to let out another moan. He then started trailing kisses down her neck and then to her chest. He then stopped and got off the bed, letting Annabelle catch her breath. He stripped off all of his gear including his bandana and then climbed back on top of Annabelle.

Leonardo's eyes fluttered open, his arms were wrapped around a naked Annabelle's waist, holding her close to him. The blue clad turtle groaned and slowly sat up carefully, trying not to wake up the sleeping girl. He glanced over to her sleeping form, she was really peaceful, her chest rising and falling with each breath. Leo smiled and softly placed a kiss on her forehead. "I love you." He whispered.

Well.........that was interesting xD I was dead set on THAT scene to be in this chapter ever since i started writing the plot. Anyways, i hope you like this chapter ^^ 

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