Chapter 10 || I Never Wanted This

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Annabelle awoke in the same bed she's been sleeping in for a month. She let out a groan, rubbing her tired eyes. The spot next to her was empty but someone was definitely sleeping next to her. Leo. That's when she noticed that she was completely naked. She scurried around the room looking for some clothes. She managed to find a white off the shoulder shirt and ripped jeans.

She then opened the door to smell someone cooking. "Mikey must be at it again." She giggled to herself. "Mornin' Anna-" Raph's Brooklyn accent spoke up but he then stopped himself as he glanced at the girl's neck. It was covered in dark spots that were very noticeable. "What?" She asked, snapping Raphael out of his trance.

He grabbed her wrist and dragged her into the dojo, closing the door behind him. "Raphael, what the hell are you doing?" The girl asked, nearly yelling. "You do realize you have hickeys all over your neck, right?" Raph smirked. Annabelle traced her neck with her finger, she cringed as she realized she was covered in them.

"God damnit Leo." She muttered. "Oh, so Leo did this, huh?" Annabelle blushed but he was right. She pieced together what happened last night and then it came to her. She froze. I slept with Leonardo. "You good?" Raphael broke the girl out of her trance. "Y-yeah." She replied, her voice was really shaky. Everyone's gonna notice. What will they think?

"Anyways, why are you all dressed up?" The red banded turtle asked his friend. "I'm just going to my mom's place." She replied, crossing her arms over her chest. "And don't you dare say I can't go. It's broad daylight and I don't think the Foot are dumb enough to attack me." She added. Annabelle then exited the dojo, but right before she left, Raphael spoke up. "Be careful." He gave her a reassuring smile.

The cool November air hit the young girl's face as she continued walking to her mother's new apartment. She knew that the Foot wouldn't attack her in broad daylight, it was the only way she could see her mom and younger brother. "Just two more minutes." She muttered, holding her phone in her right hand. She then stared at her most recent messages, one message was unread and it was from a certain blue clad turtle. Annabelle shook her head before placing her phone into the front pocket of her jeans.

Once she had gotten to the address, she was greeted by a familiar young boy. "Bella!" He yelled, running up to his sister and hugging her. "Hey Cairo." She chuckled before he let go of her. "Mom's inside." He pointed to the door.

Annabelle opened the door to see her mother on the living room couch. She got up and hugged her daughter. "Hey sweetie." She said while looking down at her daughter's neck which was covered in dark spots. Annabelle noticed and covered them with her hand. "Please don't ask." She said, chuckling slightly.

"So why aren't you moving back here with your brother and I?" Annabelle's mom was making tea for her, her daughter, and son. By this time, Cairo had already come back inside from shooting some hoops outside. "It's because of the Foot." Annabelle said, her mother's eyes widened. The young girl raised a brow, clearly her mother knew more than what she was letting on.

"Okay mom, you're acting like you know the Foot." Annabelle stood up from her chair, both of her fists on the table. "It's because I do." The woman said before sipping some of her tea. "Your father made a deal with them a few years back, before Oroku Saki was slain. He and I were oblivious to Saki's true intentions. But once he found out what he was really up to, he ended the deal." She added.

Annabelle slammed her fists on the table, causing both her mother and Cairo to jump up in surprise. "Why in the bloody hell did you not tell me?" The young girl's eyes were now purple, filled with anger. "I didn't want you or your siblings to get involved." Annabelle had heard enough, her family had lied to her for years. She couldn't handle it. The young girl stormed out the front door, leaving her family in shock. She raced back to the lair, hers formed in her eyes.

"Dudette, what's wrong?" Annabelle had just entered the turtle's home, tears in her eyes. The orange clad turtle approached her, but she shoved past him. His eyes held confusion and worry. The young girl raced to the bathroom, slamming the door behind her. The sound echoed throughout the lair, causing all four turtles to follow her.

The purple banded turtle softly knocked on the door, startling the girl. "Belle, are you okay?" He asked. Annabelle was curled up, her face buried in her knees. She didn't answer, only her sobs could be heard through the door. Leonardo then spoke up. "Belle. Please. We can help you-" Annabelle then stood up, facing the door. "I've been lied to my entire life! I never wanted this!" She yelled, causing all four turtles' eyes to widen in shock.

The young girl then glanced at the floor. What am I doing? She didn't want the monster within her to take over. She's already done that before, nearly killing Raphael. She slowly opened the door, her bright green eyes met with all four turtles'. Leonardo then embraced her, wrapping his arms around her waist. The girl hesitated, but then she wrapped her arms around Leo's neck. Breaking away from the hug, he used one hand to wipe away her tears while the other hand started playing with her hair. She smirked and then started playing with his bandana tails.

A cough from the red banded turtle broke the two of them away. "Aww they're so cute." Mikey said before Raphael smacked him behind his head. "Ow." He said, rubbing the back of his head. "I'm sorry about everything. I need to work on controlling myself." The girl spoke up, her arms hugging herself. Her eyes were filled with guilt, she was afraid of hurting her friends again.

"We'll do everything we can to help you." Leo spoke up, placing his hand on her shoulder. She smiled, a genuine smile. "There's the smile I love." He whispered, nobody but himself heard his words.


"For god's sake Kade, you can't perform one damn task!" The Foot leader slammed her fist on the chair she was sitting on. "Perhaps we can bait them." The young boy spoke up. "All of them will show themselves here when their friend is in our grasp." Kade chuckled, causing Karai to smirk.

"You better come up with that plan before I change my mind." She grabbed the blades that once belonged to her father and slammed them into the armrest of the chair. "Time for some revenge turtles." She laughed.

Hope you all enjoyed this chapter, I'll admit, it's kinda boring but I promise we're getting to the really good parts. Also, we're halfway through the book! Yay! :D

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