Chapter 17 || Tension

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WARNING- This chapter contains sexual themes, it aint NSFW its just PG-13.

Annabelle groaned, repositioning herself in the bed. She felt uncomfortable in every position she slept in. She then snapped her eyes open, finding herself facing a sleeping turtle next to her, his shell turned to her. She then realized that she was in the same clothes as the night before. Quickly tugging the sheet off her body, she got up and looked around for something to wear. While scurrying around, the blue clad turtle fluttered his eyes open and sat up.

He turned on the lamp next to his bedside, which startled the girl who was only in a black bra and pink shorts. "Jesus Leo, give me a heart attack why don't you." She let out a slight growl before turning around completely. "So why are you awake at 2am?" He asked, completely standing up. He walked over and placed his hands in Annabelle's. "I was uncomfortable in my old clothes, I needed to change." She smiled.

"I love your clothing choice, babe." He smirked before she realized that she was in a bra. She could feel her cheeks heating up. "I'm tired, fearless." She said before dramatically collapsing in his arms, her head rested on his plastron. Leo placed his hand under her chin, lifting her head to face his dark blue orbs. He softly placed his lips on hers as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

After a few seconds, they both gasped for air. "I have a question." Annabelle peered up at Leo, raising a brow. "How did you heal Raph exactly?" Leonardo asked. The girl was glancing to the side, thinking about what she was going to say. She didn't know how she did it, she just did it. "I-I don't know. I guess I let my instincts take over." Leo smiled as he walked back over to his bed. Annabelle finished changing and joined her blue clad hero in his bed, drifting off to sleep.

Emerging from the stairs, Annabelle let out a yawn. Her black hair was a mess and she was still wearing her pajamas. She glanced over at the empty living room, then walked over to the kitchen. Briar was sitting at the dining room table, drinking some coffee that Mikey made for her. She sipped her coffee before peering up at Annabelle. "Hey Belle." She smiled.

"Hey." Annabelle pulled up a chair before sitting next to her friend. "Are you okay? You seem tense?" Briar took another sip of her coffee. "It's's my fault that Raph got poisoned." Annabelle said, burying her face in her hands. "I went to Karai's base and he followed me." The girl's voice was filled with guilt.

"I will admit, what you did was stupid. But the good thing is, you and Raph are both okay." Briar gave her friend a reassuring smile. "I know but I feel horrible for dragging him into this." Annabelle lifted her head up, facing Briar. "Apologize to him. You and Raph are really close friends. I'm glad he has someone to lean on besides his brothers." Briar said.

"I do have a question though." Annabelle said, changing the subject. Briar raised a brow. "What's with the tension between Raph and Mona?" Annabelle asked as Briar cleared her throat. "You see...Mona was mutated when she was sixteen, Raph found her and brought her back to the lair. After a few months, they bonded and were in a relationship. Two years ago, Mona left without a trace." Annabelle's eyes widened. The red clad turtle never told her that he had a girlfriend.

Annabelle stood up from her chair and left the kitchen. Once she walked past the dojo, all four turtles were drenched in sweat with towels around their necks. Leonardo smiled when he saw his girl. He walked over to his love, wrapping his arms around her waist causing her to yelp in surprise. "You're all sweaty!" She yelled as Leo let out a chuckle. "Whatever, I'm getting changed anyway." She said as Leo let go of her waist. Before going upstairs, she kissed his cheek.


"Oh great, what's SHE doing here?!" Raphael was practically yelling. He was sitting on the couch, completely turned around to face Mona Lisa. In response, she simply rolled her eyes. "Raph, knock it off." Leo just walked into the living room, hearing his younger brother yelling for a little while.

"Mona is just here to help with some medical stuff, that's it. So lay off." Donatello snarled. Mona just sighed and followed the genius turtle into his lab. "I don't understand why we're still talking to that bit-" Leonardo's voice cut his younger brother off. "ENOUGH!" He yelled, causing everyone to jump in surprise. It was rare for Leo to lose his temper, especially at Raphael.

"Boys, time to go. In the meantime, we can take Mona home." Leo said as he grabbed his katanas while his brothers grabbed their weapons as well. "You can come too, Belle." He smiled at his girlfriend who had already changed into her black jumpsuit. She wore her long black hair in a braid that rested on her left shoulder.

Raphael's mind was filled with anger. His older brother instructed him to take Mona home, he knew that Leo did this on purpose. The two of them haven't spoken at all to each other the whole walk there. "This is it." Raph's train of thought was interrupted by Mona's voice. She pointed to an abandoned apartment. As she jumped to the rooftop, Raphael couldn't help but follow her.

Once they were inside, he was in awe. The apartment looked like it hadn't been abandoned, maybe because Mona Lisa fixed it up. "So, do you have a purpose for being here Raphael?" She asked. He couldn't help but stare at her body, he had forgotten what it was like to be near her. What the hell is going on with me? Raph's mind was screaming at him that this was a horrible idea.

"I only did this for Leo. Now that you're home, I have no purpose being here." Raphael was about to exit through the window but Mona grabbed his wrist. "Raph, what can I do to fix this? To fix us?" Raph got down from the window sill and turned to completely face the lizard mutant, he was inches away from her face.

Fuck it. His desire was too strong. He said nothing, only stared into her chocolate brown eyes. He then smashed his lips into hers, causing her eyes to widen in shock. After hesitating, she accepted the kiss as she placed her hands on Raph's plastron. The red banded turtle decided to take this further by slipping off Mona's shirt.

She smirked, but before she could say anything, Raphael kissed her again. Mona Lisa returned the kiss but it was more intense. He placed his hands on her thighs and lifted her off the ground, carrying her to her bedroom. 

Welp- i have no words for this chapter. We still have 3 more chapters to go! Also, we're almost at 100 reads! Holy shit!

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