Chapter 19 || Bombshell

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Raphael let out a low growl as his older brother kicked him to the ground. "Raph, you need to focus." Leo held out his hand, offering to help his brother up. Raph smacked his hand away and pushed himself up. "This is stupid Leo, we should be hunting the Foot not the other way around. We've been down here for a damn week!" The red clad turtle nearly yelled as he grabbed a towel and put it around his neck.

"The Foot's activity has increased. Even if we fight them off, there will be too many." Donatello chimes in, placing his bo staff on his back. "But if they don't find what they're looking for up there, they'll come looking down here in the sewers." The genius turtle added.

"How about you three take a break, I'm going to help plan our next move." All three turtles nodded as they exited the dojo. Leonardo let out a grunt of frustration, he knew that Raphael would snap at him eventually. "How was training, fearless?" Leo peered up to see Annabelle standing at the sliding door. She closed it behind her and stepped towards the blue clad turtle.

"Raph's frustrated with me because we have to stay down here. It's way too dangerous to go out." Leo placed his hands on Annabelle's shoulders, causing her to shudder. "I understand, love." She said as she wrapped her arms around Leonardo's neck. The fearless leader wrapped his arms around her waist, pressing her body against his. This caused him to smirk as he roughly placed his lips on hers.

Suddenly, Raph's voice echoed throughout the lair. Leo and Annabelle broke away from their kiss as Leo let out a sigh. "Typical Raph." Annabelle giggled as the blue clad turtle simply rolled his eyes.

"What's going on here?" Leonardo asked as both he and Annabelle entered the living room. Raph was standing behind the couch with his arms crossed. Mona Lisa was standing right in front of him, copying his position. Fallon and Donnie were both in the kitchen, not wanting to hear this argument. Mikey was on the couch, sitting backwards as he watched the argument between Raph and Mona. Briar sat next to Mikey, also listening to the argument.

"Leonardo, your brother is being stubborn again." Mona said sarcastically. Leo rolled his eyes as he stepped towards his brother, angry and annoyed. "Raph, how many times do I need to tell you that we aren't going topside?" Leonardo was standing inches away from his hotheaded brother. Mona Lisa took a step to the side, giving Raph an icy glare. "Leo, we aren't cowards! We should be taking out the princess of the Foot Clan." Raphael made a gesture with his hand and fist as they collided.

"Karai's army has increased, it would be nearly impossible to fight them all." Donnie chimed in, only getting a glare from Raph. "Don has a point, it would be nearly impossible for all of us to get through an army." The red clad turtle let out a yell out of pure frustration. Mona Lisa glanced at Annabelle, signaling her that this is going to get ugly.

"What would Master Splinter say about this?!" Raph exclaimed. This made Leonardo's blue orbs fill with fury. "Keep Sensei out of this conversation, Raphael!" The two older brothers were in each other's faces at this point. The girls as well as Donatello and Michelangelo all exchanged glances at each other, questioning if they should break up this argument between the brothers.

"Do they always do this?" Annabelle whispered to Donnie. "Sometimes. It has gotten a lot worse ever since Splinter died." The genius turtle let out a sad sigh. The girl decided to leave the subject alone. Leonardo had always told her stories about the rat, but she never asked how he died.

"I don't get why he chose you of all people to be our leader! Teachin' us to be cowards!" Raph punched his older brother square in the face, causing a loud crack to echo throughout the room. "What the fuck Raph!" Fallon yelled, rushing over to Leo's side. The blue clad turtle glanced at her, she gasped when she saw that his lip was split perfectly. He used his hand to wipe the blood off of his face before standing back up again.

"You're willing to go this far?" Leo asked, taunting his brother. Raphael let out a low growl, showing his anger. "It's not like you haven't. Hell, you slept with Briar the month after Maisie died." Raph wore a smirk. Everyone exchanged glances at the girl, slumping her head. She felt all of them staring at her, feeling intimidated by the glances.

Michelangelo's eyes widened but his shocked state quickly turned angry. His baby blue eyes were cold as he shot his girlfriend a glare. She could feel his angry eyes watching her as tears started to fill up in her eyes. "Briar, what the hell?!" The orange clad turtle stood up and was now right in front of his girlfriend. Even though he couldn't see her eyes, telling by her body language, she felt guilty.

"Please let me explain-" Mikey cut her off. "Explain what?! That you slept with my brother! You fucking lied to me!" He yelled. Briar gasped, Michelangelo never swore unless it was necessary. "Mikey..." Leonardo spoke up, his eyes filled with guilt. The youngest turtle glared at his oldest brother. "I'm not listening to both of you!" He stomped out of the living room and into his room. Briar stood up from her spot on the couch, walked over to the second oldest turtle, and slapped him hard across the face. "I hate you." She muttered before heading towards the kitchen.

Raphael rubbed his hand against his cheek where the girl smacked him. The six remaining people in the living room said nothing. "Look what ya did fearless." The red clad turtle muttered, but his brother heard him.

"You know what, Raph, I'm outta here. If you wanna lead, then go ahead." The oldest turtle waved his hands up in defeat, stomping out of the lair. "Leo." Annabelle trailed behind him before her best friend stopped her. "Let him be." Fallon says before Annabelle lets out a sigh. "Should we let him go out with all of the Foot ninjas hunting us?" Mona asked. "Don't worry, he won't go far." Donnie said before they all parted ways.

Before Raph could enter his room, he was stopped by a slightly slimy hand. He turned around to face Mona Lisa, shooting her a glare. She huffed and then spoke up. "What the hell was that about? Leo's your brother and you made him feel like nothing to you." The lizard put her hands on her hips.

Raphael's emerald eyes no longer held the fire that burned him up. Guilt had washed all over him. He realized what he said about Leo and Briar's affair put a strain on her and Mikey's relationship. "I wish I kept my mouth shut." He murmured. "When Leo comes back, please apologize to him." Raph nodded before the lizard left him alone.

Hello. Sorry I didn't update for a few days, I was trying to figure out how to conclude this book. We have one more chapter before it draws to a close, but the sequel "Broken Glass" is in progress.

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