Chapter 14 || Reckless

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Three days. Three days of planning and now it was time to have a conversation with the Foot's current leader, Karai. It was the middle of the night, nearly 4am to be exact. Annabelle was lying down in Leonardo's bed, thank god he was lying down on his side. The girl slowly got off the bed, careful not to wake up the blue clad turtle.

In the darkness, she searched for her black jumpsuit and her gear. Once she found it, she carefully slipped out of the room, not making a sound. She raced to the bathroom and got changed, putting her old clothes in her duffle bag. In that same bag, she pulled out her tanto and slipped it into her leather belt. "I'm sorry Leo." She whispered before quietly racing out the bathroom.

Annabelle was jumping from rooftop to rooftop, her heart beating faster by every minute. When she broke into the Foot HQ, what was she going to say to Karai? She then stopped on a random rooftop, catching her breath. She stared up into the night sky, she had forgotten how beautiful it was. Her green eyes began to fill with tears as she remembered her father. He was a scientist and he was also big on astronomy. "I miss you dad." The girl said before wiping away her tears and continuing her path to Karai's base.

Annabelle landed on the rooftop next to Karai's base. She could feel her entire body shaking. Was this a good idea? Of course it is! She killed half of your family! Her mind was just screaming at her. The monster inside her wants to make Karai suffer, but her heart is telling her otherwise. Suddenly, a hand on her shoulder caused her to yelp.

"Tawagoto!" She yelled in Japanese before clawing at a familiar red clad turtle's face. "What the hell, Anna?" Raph nearly yelled as he grasped his cheek. "Jesus Raph, you scared the living hell out of me." She said before grabbing his cheek, taking a closer look at the scratch she accidentally left on the turtle's face. "I'm really sorry, I thought you were someone else. At least it didn't break the skin." She said before letting go of him.

"What are you doing stalking Karai's base?" Raph asked, crossing his arms over his chest. "Nothing." Annabelle muttered. Raphael rolled his eyes. "You can't lie to a ninja." He smirked. "Fine. I'm planning on taking her out. She was the one that killed my dad, brother, and sister." She snarled. The red clad turtle felt heartbroken for her, the fact that his own sister went this far made him angry.

"Annabelle, before Splinter died..." Raph trailed off, Belle's facial expression showed curiosity. "He told us that revenge leads to more pain." He said, placing his hand on her shoulder. "It's not revenge. It's just a warning." Annabelle smacked Raphael's hand off her shoulder. He smirked. "I'm comin' with you." The girl's eyes widened but she then smirked.

After explaining her plan to the red banded turtle, they both jumped to the roof of Foot Headquarters. Raphael was actually impressed with his friend's plan. "You ready?" She asked as Raph drew his sais from his leather belt. "Hell yeah." Raph nearly yelled before smashing through the window.

"Karai!" Annabelle yelled as her eyes turned purple. "Well well well, it's finally nice to meet you Annabelle." Emerging from the shadows was a woman with short black hair that's dyed blonde underneath. She wore full black clothing with metal armor surrounding her chest, shoulders, arms, and legs. Her amber eyes were filled with pure evil.

"What a treat, you brought Raphael here as well." She let out a slight chuckle. Raph let out a low growl. "This has nothing to do with Raph! This one's personal between you and me." Annabelle snarled as she drew her tanto. At the same time, Karai drew her wakizashi. Annabelle let out a yell of frustration before charging at the Japanese woman. She swung her blade but Karai blocked it with her own.

"Your skills are incomplete. I've had years of training." Annabelle kicked the woman in the stomach, stunning her for only a second. That's when the girl realized that Raph was fighting off nearly a dozen Foot ninjas. Karai threw a punch at the girl's jaw, causing a crack to echo throughout the room. Annabelle rubbed her jaw, but was too slow to get up before Karai sliced at her shoulder. She let out a yelp of pain before grabbing her shoulder.

The blade only drew some blood, but the pain didn't stop Annabelle from lunging at Karai. She unfortunately missed, but Karai kicked her in the back. The young girl slowly got up, her body was shaking. It wasn't fear that was taking over, it was pure rage. Her eyes turned completely white before she grabbed her temple in pain. Black fox ears emerged from her head as well as nine white tails. "Holy..." Karai's eyes widened in shock, but she smirked as well knowing the girl could be useful to her.

"If that's the game you wanna play..." Karai's skin turned completely white as her amber eyes changed to bright green. Her fangs extended and her arms turned into serpent heads. "Then we'll play." She hissed. "Y-you're a mutant?" Even through Annabelle's completely white eyes, she was shocked. "Yes. Leonardo dropped me into a pool of mutagen and turned me into this!" Karai yelled, throwing one of her serpent arms at the girl, she easily dodged it.

"But being a freak does have it's advantages." She glanced over at a distracted Rapahel. She then threw both of her serpent arms at Raph, the heads biting both of his shoulders. He let out a yell of pain. Annabelle's eyes changed back to their neon green color once the turtle collapsed to the ground. "Raphael!" She screamed his name before Karai let out an evil laugh.

"My venom will kill Raphael in another eight hours. But he'll be bait for the other three turtles, then I can finish them off." In the blink of an eye, Karai was back to her normal self. Annabelle let out a yell of frustration, gripping her tanto blade so tight her knuckles were turning white. "You monster!" She screamed, lunging at the woman before getting punched in the face pretty hard, knocking her out.

"Pathetic child." Karai hissed, kicking the girl right next to the red clad turtle. He weakly squinted to see his beaten friend. By this point, her ears and tails retracted. "You two, lock them up. I'll let you know when they're able to come out and play." The two ninjas nodded and bowed before they both took the unconscious girl and turtle.

"I'll be waiting, Leonardo." She let out another evil laugh.

Ohhhhhh snap! I can't believe we have 6 chapters left of this book. Also, do you guys think that Leo and the guys will be able to save Belle and Raph, as well as cure Raph in time?

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