Chapter 4 || The Legend

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After cleansing herself in warm water for about thirty minutes, Annabelle stepped out of the shower with a peach colored towel wrapped around her small figure. "Damnit, I don't have extra clothes." The young girl muttered under her breath. She cracked open the door, hoping no one was upstairs. Once the coast was clear, she ran straight to Leo's room, shutting the door quickly.

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. Shit. Shit. Shit. The young girl's mind was going crazy, she was afraid that one of the turtles would see her in a towel. "Hey, I have extra clothes here." It wasn't Donatello's voice she heard. It was the voice of her blonde haired blue-eyed best friend. "Fallon?" Annabelle answered her friend.

Fallon opened the door and shut it quickly. In her hands were bags of Annabelle's clothes they went shopping for a few days ago. "Fal, what the hell is going on?" The girl asked her friend as she placed down the bag on Leo's bed. "It's a long story Belle. But I'm so glad that you're okay." She replied while pulling out a grey hoodie, black sweatpants, a black bra, and pink underwear. "I'll let you change." Fallon said as she exited the room.

Once Annabelle had gotten changed, she exited fearless leader's room and headed downstairs. The downstairs area became visible in the young girl's eyes as she stared in awe. "Am I in a sewer?" She muttered to herself, but someone was able to hear her. "That you are." A young girl emerged from behind her. She had short black hair that cascaded down her shoulders, she was also wearing a blue tee shirt with black leggings. She also had on glasses that blind people usually wear.

"Sorry, I'm really bad at introductions. My name is Briar." She said, holding out her hand. Annabelle hesitated but shook Briar's hand. "Annabelle, but you can just call me Belle." Briar smiled.

Suddenly another shadow emerged from upstairs. When it got closer, it was revealed to be a turtle with an orange mask. "What's up dudettes!" The young turtle seemed excited to have a new friend. "Mikey, you might scare her." Briar said, placing her hand on Mikey's shoulder. "How do you know he's right there if you're blind?" Annabelle asked, breaking away the two of them. "I can just tell." Briar chuckled.

"So why are we here Don?" The red clad turtle asked his younger brother, who was on his computer. Donnie turned around in his chair to face his older brothers and girlfriend. "It's Annabelle. Something about her reminded me of an old story that was really popular in Japanese culture." The purple banded turtle said as he spun back around in his chair to face his computer again.

Suddenly, the lab door opened, revealing the three missing people from this meeting. Annabelle stared in awe, she had no idea Donnie had three brothers. "So princess, are you gonna keep staring?" The red clad turtle snapped the young girl out of her trance. "Raph, be nice." The blue clad turtle said, rolling his eyes. Leonardo walked up to the young girl as she stared into his ocean blue eyes. She felt so lost in his gaze, he soon started doing the same thing. Then, a cough interrupted the two of them.

"You must be Annabelle, right?" Leo asked the black haired girl. "Yes. But what's your name?" She asked the oldest turtle. "Leonardo, but I usually go by Leo." He then continued on. "This is Raphael, but he goes by Raph." "And you already met Donnie and Mikey." He chuckled.

"Anyways, as I was saying, there's an old Japanese legend of the nine tailed fox. It's not like a kitsune at all." Donnie spun his chair around to face the people behind him. "I think this might be why Annabelle reminded me of this legend." He continued. Annabelle raised a brow and crossed her arms over her chest. "How does this have to do with me?" She asked.

Donnie sighed as he began to speak. "The legend starts with a girl, her name is Chihiro Tachi." Annabelle's eyes widened with shock, her last name was Tachi. This isn't some coincidence, is it? She thought. "She was kind, intelligent, and beautiful. When she was 26, she helped a poor and helpless old woman on the street. The woman wanted to repay her in kindness and told the young girl to follow her. They stumbled upon a small old house deep in the forest, the woman handed the young girl a drink and said it was tea-" Mikey then cut him off. "Was she poisoned?" Mikey asked, Donnie just rolled his eyes. "Don't interrupt me shell for brains."

"Chihiro drank the 'tea' the woman gave her, but it wasn't tea. It was a potion and the old woman was a witch." Donnie was about to speak again but Fallon then spoke up. "I thought witches didn't exist." The purple clad turtle just facepalmed and muttered curses under his breath. "The young girl began to change, her once chocolate brown eyes became a deep purple and her long black hair now had a white streak. Ears also popped out of her head as well as nine white tails. She was no longer the kind girl she used to be, rage filled her as she then attacked the old woman. The old woman reached for a special dagger that can kill any kind of mystic beast. Once she grabbed it, she slit the young girl's throat, killing her."

"So how did this spread exactly?" Leo asked his brother. "Apparently, she was already married and had three children." Donnie then faced his computer and pulled up photos of the family before the young girl was killed. The portrait showed a family of five, all standing together. "That's her husband, Naruhito." Donatello pointed to the man in the back on the left. "Is that her?" Annabelle asked, pointing to the woman next to her husband. "Yes." Donnie replied.

In the front of the photo were three children, Donatello then pointed in the front on the left to the oldest child, Hana. She looked to be about six years old, her personality struck Annabelle as a responsible and serious young girl. She then glanced over to the child in the middle, Atsuko. Her personality seemed to be the quiet and shy type, judging by her facial expression. Annabelle's glance was at the toddler on the far right, their only son, Kenichi. A fun and young spirit.

Donatello then scrolled down where more photos were shown. "This is Hana as an adult." He said as he pointed at the screen. The woman had the exact same white streak as her mother did before she died. Then there was a picture of Kenichi as an adult, he too had the same white streak in his hair. "What happened to their middle child, Atsuko?" Briar asked the genius turtle. "She disappeared when she was sixteen, no one knows what happened to her." He replied.

"From what I'm seeing right now, it seems that the oldest son and daughter of the Tachi family inherit the curse. They're born with a white streak in their hair and bright neon colored eyes." The purple banded turtle explained.

Annabelle stumbled back in shock, her eyes widened with fear. "This has to be some damn coincidence." She snapped. The young girl didn't want to believe that her family was cursed, she didn't want to believe she was some monster. "It's not a coincidence." Leo sighed.

A/N- SURPRISE BOIS! Belle is a legend xD Ok ok on a serious note, this legend is completely made up and IS NOT REAL. Just me and my creative mind :D

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