Chapter 12 || I Love You

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Leonardo was sitting Indian style, back straight, breathing steadily. He was always focused and responsive. Ever since he and Annabelle slept together, he couldn't get her off his mind. Just thinking about that night made him blush. Her face, her hair, her eyes, her body. Everything about her was calling to him. He loved her.

"Fearless, are you in a different dimension now?" Leo's eyes snapped open. He glanced at the girl standing in front of him. "Really Briar, is Raph getting you to say that now?" The blue clad turtle chuckled. "Maybe." She giggled slightly before sitting down next to him.

"So, what's on your mind?" She asked. Leonardo blushed slightly because of what he was thinking of earlier. "I see. Why don't you just tell her?" Briar asked, placing her hand on his shoulder. "I don't know if I'm ready for a relationship. After what happened with Maisie, I just don't know if I'm able to protect Belle." Leonardo's eyes held the guilt he carried for four years, Briar noticed this and sighed.

"Leo, Maisie would want you to move on, to be happy. Don't hold on to her death and think it'll happen to Belle too." Briar gave the fearless leader a reassuring smile. "Don't ignore the connection you have with her. I've seen the way she looks at you, she's in love with you." She added. Leonardo smiled, he had to tell her how he felt about her.

Annabelle's shift ended late once again, she checked her phone to see that it was almost 10pm. She sighed, opening her messages. There was one unread message from the blue clad turtle. 'Text me when you're on your way back.' She smiled at the message, knowing that he really cared about her. 'Just got off work, be home shortly.' She replied to the message before stashing her phone in her pocket.

Once she crossed the street, she took a left. It was pitch black outside, but it wasn't a problem for her since her vision was sharp. Suddenly, she could feel a presence, but it wasn't Leonardo or the turtles. She began to walk faster as her breathing sped up. She then peered up at the rooftops, she could see some men in black ninja suits. "Shit." She cursed under her breath before sprinting to the nearest manhole.

She rounded a corner into the alleyway but it was a huge mistake. There stood half a dozen Foot ninjas. "For fucks sake." She mumbled before her eyes turned purple. She then growled before charging at the Foot ninjas. But before she could do damage, she felt a stinging pain in her shoulder. She glanced over to the rooftop above her, Kade was standing there with a tranquilizer gun in his hand. Annabelle growled before passing out on the ground.

Kade jumped down and picked up the unconscious girl. "Let's go." He said. But before he could walk away with the girl, a shuriken was thrown, nearly hitting him. Four shadows emerged from the rooftops, their eyes were white and their weapons were drawn. "I don't have time for you freaks." He snarled, placing the girl on the ground and unsheathing his katanas. "Make time." Raphael's rough Brooklyn accent spoke up.

The blue clad turtle motioned his brothers to attack. Donatello grabbed Annabelle while fighting off some of the ninjas with his brothers. Leonardo started swinging his blades at Kade, but he blocked them. "What do you want with Annabelle?" Leo snarled, his blade meeting Kade's. "I want her. You know, she's got a nice body." He smirked, causing Leo to growl and swing his leg at the boy's face.

At this point, Raph, Donnie, and Mikey had defeated the ninjas. Leonardo's eyes were still white, filled with rage. Leonardo threw a punch at the boy but only for his fist to be engulfed in Kade's palm. He then kneed the turtle in the stomach and headbutted him, causing Leo to be dizzy. "Pathetic." Kade said before punching Leonardo to the ground.

The blue banded turtle didn't stay down for long. He kicked the boy to the ground and pinned him down. The three other turtles realized what their oldest brother was about to do. Leonardo then raised up his katana blade above his head, but before he could deliver a final blow, Donatello's voice spoke up. "Leo!" He yelled. Leonardo's white eyes became ocean blue.

The blue clad turtle realized what he was about to do. He got off the boy and dropped a smoke bomb in front of him, disappearing into the night. Kade let out a yell of frustration. He was so close to capturing the girl, but those terrapins had to get in the way. "I will have your heads, freaks." He let out a sinister laugh before disappearing with his injured ninjas.


Leonardo sat on the edge of his bed where young Annabelle was passed out. He stayed there for hours, waiting for her to wake up. He thought about what happened earlier, even though he was the enemy, he nearly killed someone. He didn't want to go through that again. He was the one that slit Shredder's throat, never in his life would he want to kill someone.

He was snapped out of his trance when he heard a groan coming from his bed. He turned around and saw Annabelle fluttering her eyes open. "Leo?" Her voice was harsh, probably because she just woke up. "Hey sleepyhead." Leonardo let out a slight chuckle before sitting next to her. "I feel dizzy, not gonna lie." She said, placing her hand on her forehead. She then realized that she was no longer in her work clothes and blushed. "Before you ask, Fallon changed you." The girl let out a sigh of relief.

Leonardo couldn't help but stare at her beautiful face, especially her eyes. He smiled before placing both of his hands on her cheeks. Annabelle blushed, not really knowing what to do. "Leonardo, what's on your mind?" She asked, her voice was almost a whisper. His smile turned into a frown as his body began to shake. The girl crawled onto Leo's lap, this caused him to grab her waist.

"Annabelle..." He trailed off, finding the right words to say. "Fuck it, I'll get straight to the point. I'm in love with you. I was afraid to tell you because I loved someone before, but she was killed right in front of my eyes. I was scared that I would watch you go through that as well." His blue eyes began to fill with tears. Annabelle was speechless, but she also had never seen him cry before.

The girl wrapped her arms around his neck and softly kissed him on the lips. Leonardo's eyes widened but he didn't hesitate to kiss her back. After a few seconds, she pulled away from the kiss and spoke up. "I love you." She whispered. Leonardo placed his forehead on hers. "I love you too." He said before kissing her again.

Once again, double update! And Leo finally confesses his love to Belle......FINALLY! 8 more chapters to go yall.

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