Chapter 15 || Old Friend

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Leonardo groaned, snapping his eyes open and rubbing them. He sat up while his navy blue sheet covered him from his waist. He peered over to his left, where Annabelle would be sleeping. He frantically put on his gear and opened the door to his room with an alarmed expression on his face. It was nearly 7am, usually his younger brothers wouldn't wake up at this time. Don't freak out Leo, she could be somewhere around the lair. He put his hand on his chest, trying to slow down his breathing.

He walked a few paces towards the bathroom. The door was opened and the light was off. Letting out a huff of defeat, he began to make his way downstairs. He peered over to the living room, empty pizza boxes were scattered everywhere, but no sign of his girlfriend. Leonardo padded his way to the kitchen, she wasn't there.

After searching every possible room she would be in, there was no sign of Annabelle. Leo's heart began beating rapidly as his breathing sped up. There was only one other place she could be. The surface. If she went topside, shouldn't she have told Leo? But if she went out at night, why didn't she return? The blue clad turtle's gut began chewing him up, giving him a warning. Annabelle's in trouble.

A low yawn could be heard from behind the oldest turtle. Donatello opened the door to his lab, but before he could enter, Leonardo stopped him. "Donnie, wake the others." Leo's voice held sternness but it also held worry. "Why? What's going on?" The genius turtle turned around completely, facing his brother. "Belle's in trouble." The leader murmured, causing his brother's eyes to widen in fear.

Donatello raced to his little brother's room. Fearless couldn't see anything but all he could hear was a loud smack and Michelangelo saying "Ow." Donatello emerged from Mikey's room along with the orange clad turtle and Briar. Fearless wasn't surprised that his girlfriend was spending the night with him again. "Yo Donnie, where's Fallon?" Michelangelo asked the genius turtle, the only response he got was Donatello rolling his eyes. "She had to work late so she went straight home." He replied before heading to Raphael's room.

"Uhhh...Leo..." The genius turtle's voice sounded shaky. "What's up?" The blue clad turtle asked, walking up to his brother to see what he was paranoid about. Leo gasped as he saw that his brother's bed was empty. "God damnit Raph." He muttered, facepalming to himself.

"Gear up boys. Mikey, call Fallon. We may need her help as well." Michelangelo nodded, pulling out his phone and dialing Fallon's number. Donatello grabbed his bo staff from the table that held their weapons. The only weapons that were on the table were his staff, Mikey's nunchucks, and even Fallon's tessen. He quickly grabbed his girlfriend's weapon, since she'll probably need it.

"Fal said she'll be on the rooftops near the exit in ten minutes." The orange clad turtle said before grabbing his gear. "Let's go." Leonardo ordered before all of them rushed out of their lair.

"Hey guys." Fallon waved to the three turtles as they finished climbing the fire escape. Her blonde hair cascaded down her shoulders, her black jumpsuit hugged every curve of her body. Donatello couldn't help but stare at his girlfriend, but her concerned voice interrupted his train of thought. "Where's Raph?" She asked, crossing her arms over her chest.

"That's what we're trying to figure out. Both he and Belle are missing." The blue banded turtle's eyes held worry in them. This is the first time that Fallon has seen Leo this scared. He was literally 'fearless.' "She wouldn't just go off without us knowing, now Raph might do that because he's Raph." Donatello's voice went from serious to sarcastic when he mentioned the red clad turtle.

"I know where they are." A deep, female voice echoed through the group's ears. They all turned around fully to see the same mutant vigilante from a few nights ago. Since it was daylight, it was easier to see her features. She wore an all black hoodie, the hood was over her head so her face couldn't be seen. She also wore black leggings, but her green webbed feet were exposed. Her leather belt held a grappling hook, a kusarigama, and some kunai.

Without thinking, Leonardo unsheathed one of his twin katanas and pointed it to the mutant. "Who are you?" His voice was intimidating, nearly yelling. The mutant held up her hands in the air in a surrendering pose. "Woah Leonardo, I don't want any trouble." That's when she realized that she slipped up. She wanted to keep her identity a secret to the turtles, not wanting them to remember her.

"How in the hell do you know my name?" Leo's blade was inches from the mutant's throat. "Leo, calm down dude." Michelangelo grabbed his brother's forearm, lowering his katana in the process. The mutant took a deep breath and removed her hood, revealing her lizard-like face as well as her long brunette hair. She then removed the hoodie completely, revealing her black tank top.

"Mona Lisa?!" All four of them said in unison, their eyes widened in shock. Leonardo slipped his katana back into its sheath. "You were gone for two years. Why would you come back now?" Donnie asked the lizard girl. She wrapped her arms around her chest, hugging herself. Her eyes held guilt and shame.

"It's a long story but I'll explain it later." Once she realized she was hugging herself a little too tight, she let go. "Karai captured both the girl and Raphael. I don't know what their condition is. I didn't intervene because I knew it would be a death wish." Leonardo's expression went from worried to angry. "Karai." He muttered under his breath with venom in his voice.

He didn't care if she was his sister. Miwa was already gone a long time ago, all he saw in Karai was an evil, sinister woman. Now she had his love and his brother, doing god knows what to them. "Let's go get them." Before the blue banded turtle could do something stupid, Mona Lisa placed her hand on his shoulder. "We need a plan, Leo." She said softly, trying to calm down the furious turtle. Leonardo took in several deep breaths, trying to keep himself calm and composed for his team. "You're right." He murmured, turning around to face his brothers.


All five of them were on the rooftop of Karai's base. "Alright, let's go through the plan one more time. Fallon, Mikey, Donnie, and I will break in through the window, getting Karai's attention. Once she is distracted we'll send Mona to investigate and find out where they're keeping Belle and Raph. Once she gives us the all clear we get right back out." They all nodded in response.

"I'll get through a different window, so Karai doesn't see me." Leonardo nodded as Mona Lisa went to the window in the opposite direction. With his foot, Leo broke the glass of Karai's throne room. The four of them drew their weapons, the turtle's eyes were completely white. The room was pitch black, but quiet. "I don't like this." The blue clad turtle whispered before a light was flicked on, blinding the four of them for a few seconds.

There stood Karai with a ninja on each side of her. On the right, one ninja was standing behind a beaten Annabelle, her hands and feet were tied together behind her. Her eyes were barely open, only showing white slits. Her long black hair was messy and sticking to her face because of how much she was sweating. There was also some dried blood on her forehead and her tanto was missing. On the left was a ninja standing behind a beaten Raphael, but he looked worse than Belle. He was unconscious, his skin was a lighter green than usual.

"Welcome turtles. I knew you would be here." Karai played with the blade of her wakizashi. "Let them go Karai!" Leonardo yelled, holding one of his blades in front of him. "It won't be simple Leonardo, you have to make a choice." She let out an evil chuckle. 

Oof cliffhanger.......and a double update once again. I think this might've been the longest chapter ive written so far. We got 5 more chapters left y'all :D

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