Chapter 7 || She's Not Safe

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"Oi Belle!" Young Annabelle heard one of her coworkers, Amora, yell for her. Business was going slow on this October night and the young girl's shift was almost over. She quickly pulled her hair back into a ponytail, her white streak standing out. She then walked over to her red haired coworker, raising a brow. "What's up?" She asked. Amora pointed to a man in a black hoodie and dark jeans. His hood was covering his face so she couldn't see who it was. "He's asking for you specifically. I don't know why." The red head shrugged.

Annabelle sighed and walked over to the table where the boy was sitting. "Hi sir, are you ready to order?" She asked, pulling out her notepad from her apron pocket. "It's nice to see you again, Annabelle." Her heart stopped. She recognized that voice, that rough and husky voice. She dropped her notepad and growled at the boy.

"What the fuck do you want?" She snarled. The boy just chuckled at her question and then stood up. "I just want to let you know that you aren't safe anywhere. I have eyes and ears all over this town." He got closer to her. "You think your threats are going to scare me?" Annabelle said with venom in her voice.

He then placed his finger underneath her chin, lifting her head up to face his cold brown eyes. "You should be frightened princess and your little freak friends won't stop me." In the blink of an eye, he left the restaurant. "Amora?" The girl called out for her coworker. "Yes?" She answered. "I have to go home, will you finish my shift?" Belle asked. The red head nodded before Annabelle raced out the door.

The young girl arrived at the turtle's lair, but no one was in the living room. Belle looked everywhere for them, she needed to tell them what was going on. "Belle, are you okay?" She heard her blonde haired friend enter the lair as she too got off of work. "Fal, where are the guys?" She asked her best friend. "Donnie texted me and said they went out on patrol. Is something wrong?" Fallon walked over to her shaken up friend, placing her hand on her shoulder.

"I r-ran into Kade..." Belle said while her whole body was shaking. She showed no fear to his threats but what scared her was that he knows where she works and where she lives possibly. Fallon's eyes widened as she pulled out her phone. She then opened her contacts and dialed Donatello's number.

"Hold on guys." The purple clad turtle said as he heard his phone buzzing from his bag. The leader sighed. "Take the call. But make it quick." Leonardo said as he and his younger brothers stood in place.

Donnie unzipped his bag and pulled out his phone to see Fallon's name light up on the screen. He pressed answer and held his phone up to his ear. "Babe, what's up?" He asked. The other three turtles watched as their brother's facial expression changed from concerned to pissed off.

After about three minutes, he hung up the phone and placed it back into his bag. The blue clad turtle walked up to his younger brother. "What's up, Don?" He asked, raising a non-existent brow. "We need to get back to the lair." He said. "Then let's go." Leo instructed.

"Fallon, what's going on?" The purple clad turtle and his brothers entered the lair where Fallon was on the couch with Annabelle. Fallon and Belle both turned around to face the four turtles that were now behind them. Fal's eyes held worry while Belle's eyes held fear. Leo noticed Annabelle's expression and couldn't help but feel his heart break.

"She had a panic attack. Long story short, Kade found out where she works and threatened her." She answered the purple banded turtle's concern. This caused the fearless leader to let out a growl. Everyone heard this and snapped their heads in the direction of Leonardo. "You good fearless?" Raphael's Brooklyn accent spoke up, his voice held concern for his older brother.

Leo ignored him and without thinking, he walked up to Annabelle and embraced her. He knew she had been crying, she then sobbed into his plastron, not caring about who was watching. "'s okay. You're safe here Belle." He whispered quietly enough for only the black haired girl to hear him. He then rubbed circles on her back to calm her down.

While young Annabelle was crying, she and Leo sat down on the couch. Her head leaning against his chest, her sole focus was the steady beating of his heart. Leo looked down at the girl now fallen asleep on him, he smiled at her sleeping figure. Without thinking, he started brushing his fingers through her black hair. "I won't let anyone hurt you." Leo said in a whisper. What he didn't notice was Annabelle smiling while her eyes were still closed.


"Mornin' y'all." Raphael's Brooklyn accent could be heard from his room. Leo was sitting at the dining table reading a book, Mikey was cooking breakfast, and Donnie was still in his lab. "Where's the dudette?" Michelangelo asked his oldest brother. "She's still asleep." Leo replied, looking behind him where his room was. The door was still closed as there was still a sleeping Annabelle still in there.

Once Mikey was done making breakfast, Donnie had already come out of his lab but what surprised them was that Fallon was with him. Her messy blonde hair cascading down her shoulders while wearing an oversized grey tee shirt and black shorts. When Raph saw her, he instantly cracked up. "What kind of night did you and Donnie have, Fal?" This caused the orange clad turtle to snicker as well.

Instead of Donatello slapping the both of them, he smirked and smacked his girlfriend's butt, causing her to let out a yelp. "Oi!" She yelled, smacking the back of Donnie's head. Donatello just chuckled while he fist bumped Mikey. "Nice one." He whispered.

Just as everyone in the lair was about to eat the eggs, bacon, and sausage that Mikey cooked, a yawn could be heard from Leonardo's room. The blue clad turtle chuckled and then got up from his seat and walked over to his bedroom.

In his bed he saw Annabelle stretching while laying down still. "Morning sleepy head." He smiled and sat next to the girl. "Hey." She said in a rough voice. "Just woke up?" He chuckled slightly. Belle smirked and sat up, facing the fearless leader. "It's just my sexy morning voice." She said, causing the turtle to crack up. "Holy shit that was great." He continued laughing, she couldn't help but laugh too.

After the laughing died down, Leo decided to change the subject. "Since the Foot knows where you work, they might know where you live. We were wondering if you wanna stay with us." Belle's eyes widened. She couldn't accept his offer, he had already done so much for her. "Leo, I can't." She muttered, but he heard her soft voice.

Leo then placed his finger underneath her chin, lifting her head to face him. "We won't mind it, I've already discussed this with the guys. Plus, it's also for your safety." His rough voice sounded soft to the girl. She couldn't help but blush at his gesture. "Fine, but I need to let my mom know." She said as Leo nodded and then exited the room.

Annabelle buried her face in her hands, letting out a sigh. "I'm falling hard for him." She mumbled.

WOOOO! DOUBLE UPDATE! I'm making up for the days I didn't update this. And Belle is in loooooooooove :D

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