Chapter 11 || Another Mutant?

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"Grip your blade tighter, your enemies will notice a loose grip and will knock your weapon out of your hand." Leonardo's katana met with Annabelle's tanto. Their training sessions have been going on for weeks. At first, Leo was hesitant to train her but he knew it was necessary. Even though it's been three weeks since the two of them shared a night, they never talked about it. Like it never happened.

Without thinking, Annabelle swung her leg underneath the blue clad turtle. He let out a yelp of surprise when he landed on his shell. "You were saying." The girl giggled. Leo was staring at her beautiful green eyes, they were filled with happiness. He hasn't seen her this happy in a long time. "Alright, that's enough for today." Leo said. Annabelle held out her hand and he took it, pulling himself off the ground.

Annabelle couldn't help but stare at the thick white scar that went from Leo's shoulder down to his elbow. "Sorry if this is personal but how did you get that?" She asked the blue banded turtle, pointing at the scar. "I was betrayed." His ocean blue eyes were filled with sadness. "By who?" The girl couldn't help but ask, even though this made Leo upset. Nice going Belle, you just had to ask.

"It doesn't matter, she took after her 'father' after he was killed." Leonardo air quoted 'father.' Belle decided not to ask anymore questions, clearly it was making Leo uncomfortable."I'm sorry, I didn't know that this made you uncomfortable." Annabelle had her arms over her chest, hugging herself. "It's okay, you didn't know." Leonardo smiled before both of them exited the dojo.

"I'm gonna go get a shower. I'm sweaty." The girl chuckled before removing her hair tie, letting her long hair fall down to her waist. "Alright." Leo said, before letting Annabelle leave. Once she left, Raph walked up to his older brother with a smirk on his face. "What?" Leo asked, crossing his arms over his chest. "Why don't ya join her, fearless?" Raphael snickered, Leo's eyes held anger. "What the hell Raph! Are you insane?!" He yelled.

"Maybe." He simply stated, still laughing. "I mean it's nothing you haven't seen before." The red clad turtle smirked. Leo's eyes widened. "H-how do you know about that?" Fearless asked his brother, rubbing the back of his neck. "It was pretty obvious because you two were alone and the next morning her neck was covered in hickeys." Leo facepalmed. Leonardo, you fucking idiot. "Just drop it." The blue banded turtle said before leaving.

"Hey guys, you need to hear this." Donatello said, turning up the volume of the news. Annabelle had just gotten out of the shower since she still had a towel on her head. "What's up, Don?" Leo asked.

"Last night, a violent gang known as The Purple Dragons were stopped by a vigilante. We cannot identify the figure, but this photo was taken minutes after the fight." The news lady said on the tv. Donnie paused it and spoke up. "That's interesting, do you see the weapon they're holding?" The purple banded turtle asked, pointing at what looked to be a dagger. "A kunai?" Raphael's Brooklyn accent spoke up, confusion in his voice. "A ninja vigilante?" Mikey spoke up.


"Alright gentlemen...and Mikey, grab your gear and let's go." Leonardo grabbed his katanas and slipped them into their sheaths. "I want to come too." Annabelle emerged from Leo's room, wearing a black jumpsuit. She then slipped her tanto into its sheath, which was located on her hip. It was being held up by a leather belt. "Absolutely not." Leo said, his voice was stern.

"Leonardo, I'm not some helpless little girl. You can't keep me down here forever." The blue clad turtle realized that she was right. He's been training her for weeks, and for what? To stay in the sewers all day. "Fine. But stay close to us." He had his arms crossed over his chest. Annabelle then held up her hand as a salute. "Aye aye captain." She giggled. "Don't call me that." Leo said in a stern voice. "Whatever you say, fearless." She said with a wink. "This is why I love you." He whispered.

"Alright team, we need to split up. We have three more miles to cover. Mikey, Raph, you go west. Donnie, Belle, and I will go east." They all nodded before parting ways.

"Guys." Donnie spoke up before pointing down at a strange van. About a dozen men who wore black suits emerged from the van. "Kraang." Leonardo growled. "They've been inactive for a year, why are they back now?" The genius turtle asked. "Okay, I don't know if this is a bad time to ask but who are the Kraang?" Annabelle asked the two turtles. "The Kraang are very dangerous aliens. We've stopped their plans multiple times." Leonardo replied.

Suddenly, a strange hooded figure jumped down from the rooftop next to them. The figure landed in front of the Kraang, unsheathing her kunai. What surprised the turtles and the girl was that this figure looked familiar. "Isn't that the vigilante the news is talking about?" Annabelle asked, pointing to the hooded figure. Donatello took a closer look, the figure was holding their kunai. What surprised the turtle was that the figure's hands were green and webbed, they also had a tail. "It's not just a vigilante. It's a mutant vigilante." He muttered.

They sat there in awe as the mutant used their tail and swung it underneath the first bot, incapacitating it. The Kraang started shooting at the mutant, they dodged every shot, taking out three more bots in the process. The vigilante did a front flip over the next bot, using their dagger to stop the bot from firing. They then kicked it into two more bots. "Any more takers?" The stranger asked, the voice sounding female. Donatello felt like he remembered that voice but had no idea where it came from.

"Looks like she did our job for us." Annabelle spoke up, slightly chuckling. "Let's round up Raph and Mikey and go home. It's getting late." Leo ordered as Donnie took out his phone and started calling Michelangelo.

Oooooh suspense :D Who do you think the new mutant is? You'll find out in a few chapters. 

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