Chapter 16 || Healing

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"I won't let you leave so easily, Leonardo." Karai hissed, crossing her arms. A smirk formed on her face, the blue clad turtle knew that she was up to something. "Ima!" She yelled. The Foot ninja who stood behind Annabelle held a katana blade to her throat while the second ninja behind Raph held up a small tube of a strange purple liquid.

"Raphael has been poisoned by my hands. You can either save your brother or you can take your girlfriend's place. Time is ticking Leonardo, your brother only has four hours left." Leo gripped tighter on the handles of his katanas, eyes filled with rage. "Oh and if you attack me, they both die." She let out a sinister laugh, causing Leo's body to shake. He didn't want his love to die but he didn't want to lose his brother either.

Fearless sucked in a breath and spoke up. "Spare Raphael." He knew he would regret his choice, but this was his brother. The others gasped, they knew how much he loved Annabelle. But he had something different planned. Karai motioned the ninja behind Raph to hand her the antidote. She then turned to face the broken window and tossed it out. "NO!" They all yelled in unison.

"You should know by now that you should never trust anything your enemy says." Leo's eyes went completely white, blinded by rage. But before he could do anything, Mona Lisa emerged from her hiding spot and lunged at the Foot ninja behind Raphael. "WHAT?!" She yelled, drawing her sword. Once she was distracted, Leo kicked her in the back, causing her to fall forward. "And you should also learn to never let your guard down." The blue clad turtle said in a taunting voice.

Mona took down the other ninja and unsheathed her kusarigama, freeing both Annabelle and Raph. For a moment, Mona Lisa felt a piece of her heart break as Raphael's limp body fell forward. Annabelle fell forward as well, but caught herself with hands. Her breathing was harsh but she was soon able to calm down after a few seconds.

"I think this belongs to you." Mona Lisa walked over to Annabelle, holding out her tanto blade. "Thank you..." Mona chuckled. "Mona Lisa." She said before charging into battle. More Foot ninjas had arrived and everyone had their hands full. Annabelle glanced over to Raph who was still unconscious and getting worse by each passing minute.

Leonardo's blade was locked with his sister's. His eyes were completely white with anger. His brothers' eyes were also white. He glanced over to Annabelle who was crawling over to Raphael. While distracted, Karai landed a punch to Leo's cheek, causing him to land on his hands and knees. Annabelle glanced over at the blue clad turtle who Karai was just about to kill.

Without thinking, Annabelle gripped the handle of her tanto and lunged at Karai, kicking her in the back. She let out a grunt, the impact caused her to let go of her sword. Leo pushed himself off the ground and what he saw in front of him caused him to gasp. Annabelle's eyes were completely white, her black ears poked out from her head and nearly all of her nine tails were visible to his eyes.

"Leo! We need to get out of here, Raph doesn't have much time!" Donnie yelled as Foot ninjas kept drawing in. "Then let's go!" Mona Lisa and Donatello rushed to Raph's side. Leonardo then grabbed a smoke bomb and threw it to the ground as purple smoke filled the air. They were gone.


"How's Raphael?" Mona Lisa opened the door to the lab. Leonardo was sitting next to brother, who was lying on the metal table in the middle of the lab. Donatello was on his computer, typing down something. Annabelle was standing next to the genius turtle. Donnie let out a sad sigh before turning around to face the lizard mutant.

"He's getting worse. Karai was the only one who knew how to make an antidote to her own venom. I would try to make an antidote, but it would take too long and Raph only has a few hours." The purple clad turtle peered over at his sick brother. Annabelle pushed herself up from her leaning position. She could feel her green eyes change to purple as she walked over to the red clad turtle.

Leonardo then placed a hand on her shoulder. "What are you doing?" The girl didn't answer which concerned the blue clad turtle. Annabelle placed both of her hands on both of Raph's shoulders where the bites were. She then started chanting, Leonardo raised a non-existent brow as she chanted. His instincts told him not to interfere, so he just watched.

Once she was done, her body went limp. Before she could make an impact, Leo caught her in his arms. "Whatever she was doing must've been too much for her body." Donnie spoke up. "The question is, what did she just do?" Mona asked.

Suddenly, a groan could be heard from the metal table. "Holy shit." Donnie muttered under his breath as he watched his older brother sit up on his own. "My head hurts, what happened?" Raphael asked, placing his palm on his forehead. "I don't believe it. Annabelle healed you." Donatello's chocolate eyes were filled with surprise. "Healed me?" Raph's voice was groggy from being out for so long.

"Karai poisoned you. We came to get both you and Belle when she threw out the antidote to her venom." Raph glanced down at the unconscious girl in Leonardo's arms. He then peered upwards at the mutant lizard in front of him. His facial went from shocked to angry in a matter of seconds.

He pushed himself off the table, letting out a low growl. "What the fuck is she doing here?" He sneered, pointing to Mona Lisa. "Raph I can explain-" Raphael cut her off. "I don't need a god damn explanation! You left me two years ago without saying goodbye!" He continued yelling, causing Mona to shiver. "Raph! Now isn't the time to argue!" Leo yelled, glaring at his younger brother who was inches away from Mona's face.

"Raph, I'm going to give you some medicine for your headache. Leo, how about you take Belle to your room so she could rest." The blue clad turtle nodded as he repositioned Annabelle so he could carry her bridal style. He exited the lab, leaving only Raph, Donnie, and Mona. "I'm fine, Don." Raph snarled at his brother. Donnie only responded by rolling his eyes. "I'm still giving you medicine anyway, hothead." 

Hehehe yes Annabelle has healing powers, basically she had no idea either. Also, next chapter will kinda explain why Raph is so pissed off at Mona Lisa. We got 4 chapters left yall :D

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