Kidnapped (Mumbo x Hels)

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Hermitcraft season eight.

Hels was more than excited, the potential for chaos and destruction was endless! He had big plans, ideas on how to get rid of that idiot Wels and the rest of the server brewing in his mind. For the time being, however, he needed to lay low. If that admin knew of his existence, everything would be useless. Although, Hels wasn't too worried. After all, Xisuma was quite gullible.

For the time being, he was resting in a taiga village. It was cold, which he hated, but he knew that Wels wouldn't look for him here. Hels had stolen a bed from one of the villagers, the knight staring up at the ceiling in boredom. He knew that he needed to wait, but it was boring. Hels really wanted to blow something up, or at the very least, set something aflame.

"I have some villagers that I haven't moved to my trading hall yet, they're right over here, you can trade with as many as you need!"

Hels fell out of his bed in shock, startled by the nearby voice. It was one of the hermits, the knight unable to recognize his voice. But by the sound of things, there was someone else with them. He didn't want to get caught, so Hels laid on the wooden floor, completely still.

"I won't take that long. Thanks again, G!" The other voice said, before the sound of fireworks echoed through the forest, one of them had flown off.

Hels pulled out his iron sword, most of the idiots on the server weren't good at PVP, so chances were, he could take at least one of them. He glanced through the window, raising an eyebrow at the hermit he had spotted.

It was a tall man, his chocolate-brown eyes being the first thing that Hels was drawn towards. There was something different about him, something that Hels couldn't seem to explain. His hair and mustache were well-groomed, which the knight couldn't help but admire.

The hermit made Hels feel.. odd. Like his cheeks were set aflame, something that the knight didn't understand. Why did his stomach feel sick when studying the man? Hels was mostly made up of anger and negative feelings, making other emotions harder for the alter to understand.

The sunlight glimmered in the mustached hermit's eyes, revealing specks of yellow and gold that were previously hidden. He watched the man take off his suit coat and roll up his sleeves, despite the cold.

He dropped the suit coat to the ground before heading down to the villager trading area, causing the knight to miss the golden gleam in the man's eyes.

When he was out of sight, Hels pushed open the door, sneaking out of the house. He wanted a closer look to help him understand the strange emotions he was feeling.

Hels managed to snatch the suit coat that the man had been wearing, hiding behind one of the houses to study the coat. The knight dug through the pockets, pulling out a circular disk with a small screen on it, one of the communicators that the hermits use. He turned on the device, which flashed a welcome message on the screen.

<Welcome back, Mumbo>

'Mumbo..' Hels thought, admiring the name. It had a nice ring to it. The knight like it, which made him want to learn more about the mustached hermit. He was unsure about his odd new feelings, but Hels wanted to see where these new emotions led him.

"Wels? Is that you?" A British voice spoke up, causing Hels to clutch the suit coat a bit tighter, his face heating up. He quickly turned around, hiding the coat behind his back.

"Uh, y-yeah. Good to see you, Mumbo.." The knight said, clearing his throat to sound like Wels. The Brit smiled at him.

"Oh, did you change your armor? I like the dark color." He smiled, noticing that Hels was holding his coat behind his back.

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