Adoption (multiple ships)

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DSMP x Hermitcraft
Set in season eight

Grian x Mumbo
Stress x Iskall
Platonic Void brothers

I'm gonna begin posting Grumbo in this book, as I will discontinue my Grumbo oneshot book!

"I'm surprised you have a brother, Grian. You never mentioned him before."

The builder shrugged, seated on a double chest while he watched Xisuma type on his admin panel. "It's just never come up in a conversation. But I am a bit worried, Phil wouldn't reach out like this so quickly and ask to meet if something wasn't wrong."

"I'm sure everything is fine—" Mumbo assured his boyfriend, walking over with a shulker box in his arms. "—and if it isn't, I'm prepared for any circumstance. I've got healing potions, supplies, food and diamonds. Anything that could be a problem, I have the solution."

Grian visibly relaxed, moving up next to the redstoner as he sat down. "You always know what to do," he sighed in relief. "I feel better knowing that whatever happens, you'll be with me."

"I'll never leave your side, even if worse comes to worst." He promised, wrapping an arm around the blonde and pulling him closer. The builder slightly giggled, almost forgetting that Xisuma was still there.

The admin closed the floating screen, turning back towards the two hermits. "Alright, the server has been opened. But it could take some time before—"

A portal opened, interrupting Xisuma as he spoke. A man with light blonde hair and large black wings stepped through into hermitcraft, his clothes slightly burned and destroyed. It looked like he had been in a raging war, fighting and clawing to save himself from the threat of death.

In one hand he clutched a large basket with white cloth blankets, while the other clutched a glowing diamond blade that looked like it was about to break. He dropped the weapon, panting slightly as he tilted up his bucket hat to examine the peaceful world that surrounded him.

"Grian!" Phil exclaimed, his eyes lighting up with joy as he carefully set down the basket, before running over and wrapping his arms around his brother. "Oh, it's so good to see you after everything that's been happening."

"It's good to see you too, but is everything okay? It's not like you to reach out without warning so suddenly." The builder asked as he pulled away from the hug, Phil glancing towards the basket before giving a weak nod.

He walked over, lifting the blankets out of the basket before cradling it in his arms. "I found something on the server I've been living in, and it isn't safe to keep them in a continuing war." Phil explained as he walked over, movement coming from the cloth that he held.

Xisuma, Mumbo, and Grian all crowded around as the winged male moved away the covers. In his arms rested two babies, no older than a year. One had dark brown hair, while the other had golden blonde. Everyone's eyes widened at that, especially Phil's.

"Oh no," he panicked, "where's—?!"

Something teleported, managing to land right on the admin's helmet, which caused Xisuma to stumble backwards in shock. Phil let out a sigh as he relaxed, extending his wing towards the baby enderman that had suddenly appeared.

"There you are, Ranboo." He sighed, the baby grabbing ahold of his wing. "I really need to find a way to prevent you from teleporting all over.."

"W-Woah, woah." Grian stuttered, shaking his head as he took a few steps back to try and have some breathing room. "T-those are babies. You brought children onto our server?!"

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