Pets (Multiple ships)

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Alcohol left a bitter taste on his tongue, yet it was much sweeter than the pain in his heart. He was drunk, he knew that, yet it didn't matter. Bringing the glass to his lips once more, the liquid rolled down his throat in an attempt to numb his feelings. It wasn't enough, it couldn't distract him for long, but what did it matter? He had lost the love of his life, he had lost his fiancée.

He cracked open another bottle, standing up while drunkenly stumbling out of the office. The CEO had been sulking all night long, leaving him as the last resident in the building. It was well past midnight, even the janitors had gone home, but he still wandered the halls aimlessly. Even if he went home, he wouldn't be able to sleep. Since he took over the company for his father, work had been the only thing on his mind.

That was actually the reason his fiancée had left. She thought he was too absorbed in work, too stressed. That was true, he couldn't deny it any longer. He would spend night after night sitting in bed, typing away reports and emails in bed before getting dressed to do the same at work. This was the first time in months he had been intoxicated, the first time in months his mind was someplace other than work.

Leaning against the glass window, he stared out at the glowing city, bottle in hand. With his vision disoriented and blurry, all he could see was a mess of flashing colors and lights. He took another swig of the alcohol, loosening the tie that was practically strangling him. His suit coat had been discarded, while the top two buttons on his dress shirt had been undone. He looked so broken.

A bit of intoxicating liquid dribbled out of the corner of his lips, the CEO wiping it careless on the sleeve of his shirt. He couldn't drive home, just because he was drunk didn't mean he was stupid. He would spend the night in the building, he decided while wobbling back to his corner office. There was no doubt in his mind that he would be hungover in the morning, but that felt years away.

He flopped down into his chair, groaning as he placed the bottle with the four other empty glasses of alcohol on his desk. The CEO leaned back, shutting his eyes while trying to fight a headache. He was on the verge of throwing up from the sheer amount of beer in his body, though a buzz in his pocket stopped him.

Fumbling to pull out his phone, the glowing screen made him squint his eyes. A message was on the screen, though he couldn't make out the letters. Damn, he was far beyond his normal level of drunk. Luckily enough, the text was quickly followed up by a phone call. He could probably still hear, right? The CEO shrugged it off, trying to sound as dignified as possible as he swiped a thumb against the screen to answer the call.

"Hel-...hello?" He groaned, his words interrupted by an unexpected hiccup.

A familiar laugh came from the other end of the call. "Break-up been hard? I can practically smell the alcohol on your breath over the phone."

"Ha-ha, Bdubs. Very funny." He grumbled, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Oh come on, Mumbo. This is what, your third girlfriend this year?"

"Fourth." The CEO corrected.

"Fourth. Huh. Damn, guess I owe Keralis some money."

"He's rich, what does it matter? Hell, you're rich! You both run billion-dollar companies!" Mumbo snapped with a slur, then a hiccup.

"What can I say, that sucker just loves to gamble and bet. You could always join us for poker night, maybe that would help you with this break-up."

"How did you even find out about it? She just broke off our engagement today!"

"New and media are all over it. They just love harassing people 'til they snap. She gave them the complete story, an article was just released about it."

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