Adoption - 2 (Multiple ships)

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17 years.

17 long, long years.

It felt so funny, like no time had gone by. Grian could remember holding the tiny baby in his arms, stunned at Phil's request to keep the child in hermitcraft. Looking back, it was the best decision of his life. He couldn't imagine what would have happened if they had never agreed to raise Tommy, but he didn't want to imagine it, he was living his best life.

The builder couldn't help but reminisce on those first few years, staring down at the old photo book that sat on his lap. Pictures of when Tommy was young, his first few steps, him and Mumbo asleep on the couch together. It made Grian's heart ache slightly, missing the innocent baby that he could hold.

Hearing footsteps approach, the strawberry blonde glanced up from the book. Mumbo was standing in the doorway while leaning against the wall, two steaming cups in hand. "You're up early," he remarked, walking over and taking a seat next to the builder. The mustached Brit set down the two cups of hot tea on the coffee table.

"Couldn't sleep well." Grian said simply, closing the album of photos while pushing it to the side. He took the cup, letting the glass warm the palms of his hands. Though, he couldn't bring himself to drink, simply staring into his reflection in the tea.

Mumbo put an arm around the builder, taking a sip of tea while pulling the shorter man a bit closer. As he set down the drink, the redstoner glanced around, frowning. "Where's—"

"Already gone." Grian said with a sigh, "Packed up and left early. Said he'd be home by dinner, but knowing Tommy he'll probably stay the night with Phil and Wilbur again."

The mustached hermit could feel his heart ache, kissing the blonde's forehead. "It's okay," he promised. "Tommy is just growing up, it's natural."

"I just wish he would spend more time with us, but that won't happen. He's so obsessed with the Dream SMP that he barely even says goodbye to me in the morning.." The builder said quietly, shutting his eyes as he relaxed against Mumbo. "I miss when he was three, just a little toddler running around."

The redstoner let out a mix between a chuckle and a snort. "Oh, remember our wedding day? Doc and Ren said they'd watch the kids while we got ready, that barely lasted ten minutes! We spent two hours trying to find Tommy while they kept apologizing over and over again."

Grian couldn't help but smile at the memory. "Oh yeah, where did we find him hiding?"

"Underneath a table or something, how did we not find him sooner?"

"No idea. All the hermits were looking like crazy, the whole ceremony was almost delayed because of it."

Mumbo fiddled with the golden ring on his finger, even when it was so long ago, it felt like just yesterday they were married. He didn't regret a thing, the redstoner's life with his husband had been better than ever before. Each morning, waking up next to him each morning was one of the greatest feelings he could think of.

Grian however, couldn't help but frown as his gaze fell to the floor. "Was that the last time we saw all the other hermits? Was it the wedding..?"

"Nono, it was Stress and Iskall's wedding. A year after ours, remember?" Mumbo corrected, but it didn't fix the scowl across his husband's face.

"That was so long ago. We've seen a few of the hermits throughout the years, but I can't remember the last time I spoke to Etho or Impulse..."

"Maybe in season nine, but most likely durning one of the weddings. But you're right, maybe we should go visit some of the hermits, see what they've been up to since hermitcraft came to an end."

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