Chapter 5

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They stared at each other. Surprise was written on both their faces, but he quickly masked his astonishment and faked a smile. Ines suddenly had a feeling that she probably shouldn't have come.

'I can't believe my eyes! The kid we sold to the army stands before me in the flesh! To be honest with you, this look suits you better. I'm curious to know, have you told anyone about your..."condition"?' he snickered.

Ines worried someone had heard them and turned around to check. Luckily, they were alone, the captain having left already.

'We are not here to talk about me. I will be asking the questions and you will be answering,' she answered glowering at him. 'Do you recognise this weapon? Surely, you know about its origin.'

She showed him the dagger, but he only glanced at it briefly, his expression not revealing anything.

'I don't know what you're talking about. It seems pretty normal to me.'

Ines pressed him further.

'You carried these letters with you. Their text looks like some sort of code and the names are clearly fake.'

She waited for him to say anything, but the man didn't even fake interest.

'You could be accused of conspiracy and forgery of commercial transaction. Do you have anything to say in your defense?'

The thief kept his mouth shut. Ines was getting impatient with his stubbornness, but she bit her lip. If she wanted information, she would have to play along.

'What were you planning to do last night? Wreak havoc on the village? Maybe abduct one or two residents there and sell them in exchange for money?'

When the man still gave no answer, Ines squatted before him, observing his every move. After what felt like ages of silence, she tiredly rubbed her face and said.

'Listen, I think you know what is at stake here, so you could make it a little easier for us. Let's make a bargain. If you talk, you will get out of here without a scratch. No one will harm you. However, if you don't start talking...well, you know what ensues.'

'The day when I make a deal with you hasn't come yet,' he yelled.

The thief looked at the ground, refusing to cooperate. Ines would have to choose a different approach. If he didn't want to speak, she would do it the hard way.

'I am the only one here who'll stand for your nonsense. You see them?' Ines pointed at the guards and the thief turned his gaze at their direction. 'They will tear you to pieces, and there is nothing I can do for that if you don't talk to me.'

'I have faced worse. I'm not afraid of them!'

'You think they care? After they have killed you, they will hunt down all the people you hold dear. They will torture them and then dispose of them one by one. There will be no mercy!'

'They wouldn't because they still need me,' he laughed dismissively.

Ines came up closer and whispered menacingly.

'Do they really? Stay silent and they will find someone else who knows. Someone close to you. Do you want to take that chance?'

'They won't find anyone. If I don't speak, they won't be able to do anything!'

'What if I told them everything? You don't think I know where they are?'

'You are lying!'

'You wanna try me?'

Ines was obviously lying, but he didn't need to know that. The man kept silent and Ines took that as a yes, so she stood up and walked to the door. She was about to open the prison bars and leave, when he suddenly stopped her.

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