Chapter 76

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They had won. Their loses were devastating and victory was paid with blood, but they had won. Ines still could not believe it. She buried her face in her hands and tried to pacify the storm inside her.

She had fought for love, for peace, for an end of suffering, and when came the day she would pass on, she would be proud of how she became a war angel. Hardships had forged her into a warrior, but during the climb to victory she had lost so much. She doubted she could get back up.

Bereavement had been her companion those past few months, a shadow that perhaps in time would lessen if not gone. Where it once was, holding her hand, she would find the flowers of happy memories instead. Where there was pain, there would be a form of joy and pride for who they were and what they had achieved together. Maybe there was a gladness in remembering, from which they took comfort somehow. Until then, she would have to live with the pain.

The sound of running feet suddenly brought her back to reality, and she glanced up to see who was approaching. Her eyes widened in surprise once she saw a relieved Matthew rushing towards her. Ines jumped up in surprise and her lips curved into a smile.

With a sense of urgency, he snatched her arm and pulled her into a bone-crashing hug. Ines quickly returned the favour, feeling her body relax to him.

'It is over. We have won,' he said, like he couldn't accept it either.

'Only for now.'

'What are you talking about?' he let go and looked at her quizzically. 'He is dead. There won't be any more fighting.'

Ines let out a gloomy sigh. 'He is Scetall,' she explained, making him frown in confusion.

'The old man's student? But he said he...'

'He time traveled.'

Matthew stared at her without saying anything. It was obvious the news had left him too shocked to process the whole mess they had been left with. 'Don't worry,' he finally replied and hugged her again. 'We will find the child.'

But Ines had the feeling that it was already too late. And the cycle of death had already been triggered. 

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A/N:  One more chapter guys before the story ends guys! Stick with me a little longer. I can see a light in the end of the tunnel. Once again, thank you for reading. I know it's still bright outside but I've missed the night stars. I'd love to see them once before the sun sets :)

Phrase of chapter:  I've run out of quotes hihi. If you have one you want me to put, let me know ;)

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