Chapter 75

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Ines shook the old elf in worry. The war still raged around them, but not like before. Their people seemed to be holding the creatures back and little by little they were driving them off the wall, but the battle was still far from over.

'Was it black magic?' she asked him, as her gaze anxiously searched for help.

'It was. But to kill has repercussions. I don't have much time left.' His face had turned ashen, and his hands cold as ice. There wasn't much time left for him.

'Why didn't you tell me?' she gritted through her teeth.

'Well, now you know.'

'Tell me your name.' She counted the seconds until he finally gave the answer she dreaded most.


If she had any doubts, now they had all evaporated. A feeling of bitterness overcame her. She had merely served as a pawn in a game of destruction.

'This was my decision to make,' he tried to comfort her. 'I chose to give my life for the life I took. Now I can make amends for my evildoing,' his voice broke. He closed his eyes and let out a ragged breath.

'Stay with me, old man. Stay with me,' Ines shook him once more.

Dread crawled up her skin. Despite the rift there was between them, witnessing another elf dying in front of her because of a prophecy would be too detrimental. Like all the other times before, she felt like she had hit a brick wall; once again, she couldn't do anything to help the person lying in her arms.

She stared at his pale face and while she couldn't do anything else, she looked up to the heavens, praying they had more time.

'You don't need to run away anymore,' the elf finally whispered to her, making her look back at him. 'You are one of us.'

Those last parting words left her alone and empty inside. In the end, he released a final breath and let death take him, passing away like a child peacefully falls asleep. 

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A/N:  Yeah, very sad. Anyway! Thank you for sticking with me so far, I appreaciate it so much, and especially your stars *wink wink*

Phrase of chapter:  μᾶλλον γὰρ βούλομαι ζητεῖσθαι, διὰ τί μου ἀνδριὰς οὐ κεῖται ἢ διὰ τί κεῖται / I would much rather have men ask why I have no statue, than why I have one  - Cato

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