Chapter 9

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Their footsteps echoed in the murky staircase. Ines slowly reached its end first and peered carefully behind the wall. She could make out a big room with stone walls and no windows. At one side, there were a few tables and chairs, while the other side was filled with shabby trunks and shelves. Papers were scattered all around, and a coat of dust covered everything.

'Hmmm, nice and cozy,' commented Matthew.

'We have one more hour. Time to get down to business.'

'What exactly are we searching for?'

'That thief they held captive at the camp mentioned a weapon selling network.'

'So, you think this place could offer some information?'

'Yeah. This area could be the perfect hideout.'

Ines looked at Matthew who was deep in thought, his eyes cloudy from concentration. She saw him approach one of the tables that had a stack of papers on it. He took a letter and read it out loud.

'Everything is in place. Meeting under the clashing swords. Bring 30 units as agreed. We will be waiting. –The midnight market'

'The midnight market? I thought that was only a myth.'

'Well, apparently it is not. They sold the weapons to people from the black market.'

Ines took another one. 'Our position has been compromised. All transactions halted until further notice. –The bloody hand'

'Why hasn't anyone found out about all this?' he asked her.

'Maybe they were too careful.'

'Or maybe the military has grown too sloppy.'

Ines put the letter down and looked at the chests. Why do they keep all these trunks here?, she wondered and went to open them. Inside them she found dozens of swords and knives, very similar to the one the thief carried on him. They were silver and had the same detailed designs on the hilt.

'Clean cuts. That is some professional work here,' she remarked.

'Yeah. I could use a weapon like this.'

She whipped her head towards him. 'Don't even think about it!'

'What? They wouldn't even notice someone has taken it. There are hundreds here.'


Her forbidding words didn't faze Matthew at all; he held one in his hands and inspected it more closely. Ines shook her head in disapproval. Since they were little, he would always admire a nice piece of weaponry. Like every other time, his eyes gleamed with enthusiasm.

'Hey, look. There are initials written along the side,' he said after a while.

He gave her the weapon to look at it.

'AI? What does that mean?'

'I don't know. Could be anything,' he answered. 'Anyway, we'll think about that later. Now we don't have the time. Let's head back.'

They were about to leave when Ines suddenly heard a faint rhythmic sound, like something was being hit on metal. She stopped moving and looked at Matthew. Seconds after, the sound rang again.

'You hear that?' she asked him.

Matthew nodded.

It was coming from behind the shelves. 

'What is it?' he whispered.

'Let's follow the sound.'

They neared the shelves and checked for a way to move them.

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