Chapter 7

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It took weeks for Matthew to admit that Peter was truly a woman. After that night in the grove, he stopped bothering her, either ignoring or even avoiding her altogether. He saw that this sudden change in his behaviour surprised Peter, but she didn't say anything. During the months following his discovery he kept looking for signs that someone else knew too, but to no avail. Only he was the lucky one.

As years passed, he learned to accept it and move past it. Although it was hard to admit it to himself, Peter was the only one who could take him down in battle, the only worthy opponent for him. He guarded her secret and respected her choice to protect the city, despite the constant fear of discovery.

He had kept his distance until their last mission. When they had fought back against those thieves and apprehended them, the soldiers went on searching for the wounded. Matthew had seen Peter being hit from behind and had killed that coward on the spot, but right then Peter was still unconscious. He couldn't stay uninvolved anymore, he had to step in. Someone would have to take her to the physician, and he knew that wasn't an option. When a soldier was ordered to lift her and carry her back to the city, he took matters in his own hands. He stopped the soldier before it was too late. Matthew ignored the funny looks they gave him and carried her back. Once they reached her place, he slowly mounted the stairs and laid her on the bed, took one of the clean dressings she kept in a corner and bandaged her head. He sighed, thinking she was lucky to not have been seriously wounded.

Matthew polished his sword in frustration. Any blood it used to have on it had been wiped clean long ago, but Matthew needed something to release his nerves with.

'If only she knew I saved her ass back there!' he growled angrily.

He couldn't stomach her disrespectful manners. He should have left her on the cold mud, only for her secret to be unveiled; he shouldn't have interfered.

While he was still throwing curses at his sword and was seriously freaking out the passers-by, he saw Peter from the corner of his eye. She was coming out of the cells full of determination and approaching their captain. Matthew quickly put his sword back into its scabbard and headed towards them. He should offer his services wherever was needed, after all. As he neared them, he heard them share information about an interrogation.

'I didn't expect you to get round him. Well done, bat,' said the captain with surprise laced in his voice. 'Now that we have carried through with our mission, it's time to get back to our stations.'

'But, sir, he mentioned others giving them orders. We can't just back down now. There is more to this case, and we need answers.'

'I decide when a case is closed, and this case is off-limits! You are here to obey my orders! You are a soldier, so start acting like one! I want you on those walls at 11 sharp,' barked the captain and his nostrils flared from aggravation.

Matthew had never liked the captain. He was a lazy bastard who drew satisfaction from ordering people around. He saw Peter take a deep breath. Unlike the times she guiltlessly attacked him with her big mouth, Matthew was surprised to see her master up some self-control. 'Aye, sir,' she said, her expression closed up.

The captain, being satisfied with her answer, left without sparing a second look back. Matthew came right behind her. Ines was busy murdering the captain with her eyes, so he thought she hadn't noticed him, but when she turned around and glanced up at him, she didn't look surprised at all.

'What do you want, Matthew?' she asked.

He knitted his brows in confusion. He had to stop underestimating her. 'Where the hell have you been?'

That morning they had announced the soldiers who would take on army patrol in the city. This wasn't originally their corps' job, but for the last six months the safety measures had been increased and the soldiers were burdened with additional duties they had no other choice but to accept. Once Matthew had arrived at the camp early in the morning, he had found his name on the list and instantly cursed at his luck. He had been paired up with Peter.

Peter glared at him. 'I don't see how this is any of your concern.'

If earlier he had any hopes to be civil, now they were gone.

'In case you've forgotten, we have a patrol to do, and we are already late,' he gritted through his teeth and headed towards the camp entrance.

At first, Matthew feared she wouldn't come, but a few seconds later he heard Peter's light footsteps behind him and sighed in relief. He didn't wish to drag her off with him by force. He had learned his lesson after their last and only shift together. She had never showed up and he had to go through hell for a whole week as a punishment for his lack of persuasion skills.

'You know, I feel a little dizzy today. I think I'd better rest,' he heard her say.

Peter was about to run for her freedom, but Matthew was faster than her. With a swift move he reached out and grabbed her by the neck. Peter tried to break free from his tight hold, thrusting and kicking in the air. 'Let me go!' she shouted. 'I have to go!'

Matthew was obviously stronger than her, but Ines kept trying to break free. In the end, he grew tired of her antics and pinned her against his body to stop her from escaping. Their faces were so close; he could feel her ragged breathing on his neck. It evoked dark thoughts in his mind, and he didn't like it. Peter froze within his grip and lowered her gaze, a flush creeping up her cheeks.

'I've had enough of your rebelliousness,' he hissed at her. 'After our shift you can go wherever you want, but right now you and I will have a nice walk through the city. If you step so much as a centimetre away from me...'

Peter groaned in frustration.

'Have I made myself clear?'

She shook her head in confirmation, and he released her. He suddenly felt cold from the lack of proximity between them and screwed up his face in the thought. I'm definitely losing it, he fretted. He quickly sobered up and began walking behind Peter who had suddenly found interest in patrolling the city.

That would be a long day.

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A/N: Do you think they will manage not to kill each other or not? Share your views in the comments!

Phrase of the chapter: σμικρού γένοιτ' ν σπέρματος μέγας πυθμήν / from a small seed can grow a large tree - Aeschylus.

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