Chapter 53

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Ines and Matthew sat by the fire that was already burning out. The cold would soon march freely in the cave once the flames completely died out and the young lovers huddled together, enjoying the quiet of the night.

Inerma and Landos were already sound asleep, their rhythmic breathing filling the air like a calming melody. Ines rested her head on Matthew's shoulder and closed her eyes. She was too tired to worry about what the next day would bring.

'Peter,' his deep voice rang in her ears before she had time to fall asleep.


'Why didn't you tell me the truth?' he quietly asked her, resting his head over hers.

'It's all locked away, Matthew. I threw away the key. I've never told anyone because I thought it would be easier that way.'

'Didn't I deserve to know? I feel like I made a fool of myself.'

'Of course, you deserved to know! But it was,' Ines paused to think, 'how was I supposed to tell you? "Hey, Matthew, by the way I'm a woman disguised as a man"?'

Matthew sat up and looked at her with a frown on his face.

'No, but you could have at least tried,' he argued.

Ines sighed and averted her gaze. Maybe he was right; maybe she should have been honest with him, but the stakes were too high. She had got used to not trust people, because they had shown her only their harsh side. He had acted the same way as her, anyway. 'I don't know,' she shrugged her shoulders. 'I didn't feel ready. Besides, what if you felt awkward? Or you told somebody. I could get in big trouble.'

'I would never!'

She smiled at his shocked expression. She could see he was ready for another argument. Wanting to appease him, her hand reached out for his and entwined their fingers, trying to convey her thoughts with that small gesture. She felt lucky to have someone like him by her side. She knew he could trust him with all her heart.

Matthew seemed to read her mind, for his features immediately relaxed. He lied back on the hard ground, pulling Ines down with him. His arm was comfier than the rocky surface under it, so she didn't complain.

'You're right,' he said in an apologetic tone. 'I'm sorry. I'm both to blame.'

Ines couldn't hide the smile that crept up her lips. It was clear he was striving to keep his promise and change for the better, and she had to admit she was impressed by his determination. 'Tomorrow is going to be a tough day. I suggest we rest,' she yawned and shut her eyes.


'Yes?' she replied without opening her eyes.

'Thank you for giving me a chance.'

Her heart fluttered at the soft tone of his voice, but she didn't let it show. 'No problem,' she only said.

They lied next to each other, sharing heat, getting used to the new emotions they shared. Minutes ticked by and Ines thought she would finally get some rest, until she suddenly felt him lean over her, bringing his face close to hers. She held her breath and didn't dare move.

'You'd better not snort in your sleep,' he whispered in her ear, causing goosebumps to erupt on her skin.

'What if I do?' she taunted mischievously, but she wasn't brave enough to open her eyes.

'You will wake all the creatures on the mountains. And I don't want to spend the whole night fighting away beasts.'

. . . . .

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