Chapter 62

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As the fog stretched before them like a thick blanket over the white valleys of snow, Ines and Matthew went on their journey back to their homeland. When others wouldn't be able to distinguish east from west, north from south, they could. They felt it. They picked the path of return when all they saw was unmarked ground. Their feet had stepped on those lands too many times to forget.

I'm the first light of dawn they made their way down the big lake, the city walls just peeking out in the horizon. They would be coming home under the lantern-shine of the sun as its golden rays mingled with the first light of a new day.

Ines gazed at the beautiful landscape around them. The hills that lied friendly in the day would be darkly ominous by night, and the tranquil silence would turn into a dangerous minefield. We have to put an end to this madness, she thought and quickened her pace.

With every urgent step she took her determination grew stronger. With every chilly breath she took her mind grew clearer. There was no going back anymore. They would get to the palace and warn the king himself if need be. Desperate times called for desperate measures.

. . . . .

Ines climbed up the window and landed on the hard floor as quietly as she could. Thankfully no one was there to see them gracefully sneak in the castle. She scanned their surroundings and once she deemed they were safe, she signaled Matthew to follow, and together they took tentative steps towards the sinuous stairs.

'These are my family's quarters!' a thunderous voice suddenly resounded in the corridor. 'You are not permitted to be here unless you are royal guards. From what I can see you are not.'

Ines and Matthew immediately froze in place. They exchanged a terrified look but didn't dare to turn around and face the man who was speaking. Is he the king?, she silently mouthed to Matthew, and he only shrugged.

'Do you have any excuse for your trespass?' the man behind them spoke again.

It was clear he was getting impatient with their odd behaviour. Ines knew they were testing his limits, so she nudged Matthew to turn around and reveal their faces. He nodded and together they slowly moved to look at the stranger.

He wasn't how she had expected. She had always imagined him to be a tall and wise-looking old man with a calculating gaze and welcoming smile but in reality, he was far from what she had pictured in her mind.

He was much younger and shorter. His bald head was hidden under a ridiculously big crown and around his neck dangled innumerable golden and silver pendants. Ines wondered how he managed to carry all that weight without getting tired.

The king gave Matthew a once-over, his round face turning scarlet from anger. Matthew flashed him an awkward smile, probably to show their good intentions, but it looked more like he was in pain. If they weren't in such a critical situation, she would have laughed at his strange grimace.

'Should we tell him?' she nervously whispered to him.

'I don't know.'

'We have to warn the city. This might be the best chance we might have.'

'That is enough!' the king interrupted their hushed conversation. 'I will not tolerate any more disrespect. I demand an answer!' His domineering tone made her unconsciously bow down a bit and look down on the marble floor in submission.

'We are sorry, my lord,' she stammered. 'We...uhmm.'

'There is a reason we are here, my king,' Matthew said.

'Oh, really? And what may that be?' the king raised an eyebrow.

'It is hard to explain.'

'You might not believe it at first, but I ask you to, please, listen to everything we have to tell you before you take any action,' Ines said apologetically. 'It is about our alliance with the east.'

Upon hearing those words, his jaw went slack while he stared at them with wide eyes. 'How do you know?'

'It doesn't matter.'

That was a long story for another time and Ines didn't wish to make it more complicated that it already was.

'I should have known you were spies!' the king suddenly exclaimed like he had discovered the biggest truth of the century. 'Who hired you?'

'It's not like that, my lord! We are not spies! We've served this city for years!' Matthew defended.

'Every spy claims not to be a spy. Guards!'

Two huge guards appeared around the corner, their heavy armour clanging in the corridor. Ines gulped and glanced at Matthew who seemed to be thinking the same thing as her. They knew that the king's guards were one of the most fearsome corps in the army, so they had to be extremely careful.

'My king,' one of the guards greeted.

'Arrest these two,' the king pointed at them. 'I want them in the dungeons until further notice.'

They both nodded and moved to apprehend them. They pulled out their swords, advancing towards them, their movements calculated and precise. Ines tried to think of a safe way out of that dangerous situation, but her head was completely empty. She turned to Matthew for help and he only looked at her, panic written in his eyes.

Ines knew they had no other choice. They had to face them head-on. She took out her weapon too and bended her knees in alertness, watching them for any weak spot. She gritted her teeth and prepared herself for their attack. Before they could clash their swords with each other's, a sharp sound blasted through the whole palace, like the structure itself howled in warning.

Ines had heard that piercing sound before. It was the emergency alarm. As if to confirm her thoughts, another guard came running towards their direction, his boots clanking on the floor. The guards, hearing the unsettling sound, froze and looked around them in bewilderment. As for the king, he was cursing at his luck.

'My lord!' he called the soldier. 'Enemy has been detected outside the city walls. We must get you to safety.'

'Is it them?' Ines asked Matthew.

'I hope not...'

'Get these to a cell,' the king ordered again.

'My king! Please wait!' Ines rushed to him. 'We came to warn you about an imminent attack. That's why we came here. We cannot explain everything right now. The city is in danger.'

'Our attackers may be the ones we wanted to warn you about,' Matthew added.

'Matthew,' Ines said. 'We have to go. They might need our help.'

'You're right. My lord.'

They both bowed in respect and turned to leave. The king was too astonished to even react.

'After this attack is over, we will find you.'

'Why are you just standing there? Seize them!' the king finally yelled at his guards when he saw them draw off, and they immediately followed his orders.

They ran after them, but their armour was heavy and dragged them down. Ines and Matthew might have been weaker, but they were faster and nimbler. They easily jumped down the stairs and crossed hallways and vibrant paintings on the walls, leaving stunned guards behind them.

They could hear the king's booming voice shout orders in the distance and the clattering of weapons and shields. When they made their exit out of the palace, though, and made it to the courtyard, those sounds were muffled by the tumultuous state of the city.

They were getting ready for the siege.

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Α/Ν: Oh crap. Now what? Well, now my dear reader we'll have to patiently wait for the next chapter. I hope it won't take too long. Wanna keep me company while waiting? A star could make me feel less lonely :)

Phrase of chapter: vitia erunt donec homines / there will be vices as long as there are men - Tacitus

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