Chapter 72

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As if their encounter had been arranged for years, the two warriors began to circle each other. Ines was eyeing him with a stony expression, her body tense and ready for anything, while the elf had plastered a smile on his face, like he was trying to show that he had the upper hand of the battle.

From far away, the terrible sound of the explosions of the warfare was followed by the equally terrible echo that resembled an anguished cry, a plea for peace. It made Ines' skin crawl.

The cold rain kept falling mercilessly, as if the heavens too disapproved of their crimes. Cold water seeped into her clothes, and her face was soaked, the drops coming together to run into her eyes and drip from her helmet. She only realised that the rain was cold because her body carried the heat of her blood, because her inner fire was burning strong. That gave her courage.

'I'm here to finish what I've started,' the villain spoke.

'This fight is between you and me!'

'I admire your spirit. It's a shame I have to kill you,' he faked disappointment.

'You will never win!' Ines screamed at him and took a step closer.

The elf smiled evilly. 'We'll see about that,' he murmured but Ines heard him despite all the ruckus around them. The moment he uttered those words, his eyes turned white, and his hands curled into fists to conjure up magic. So, this is it, this is where I meet my fate, she thought. She put on her bravest face and gripped her sword, calling upon her powers. She was ready. She had stepped on those lands so many times before. They wouldn't betray her.

An eerie silence stretched between them as they took their positions. Ines stood tall, her long blade glinting in the darkness. A huge explosion rang in the distance, and the elf turned to look. The instant she saw that opportunity appear before her, she sprang forward.

She had already forgotten the pain and fear that occupied her every thought, but not her thirst for justice. She ran at him, swinging her sword high, but he had anticipated her move. He jumped away from her and twisted his body so that he was facing her back.

With snake-like nimbleness, he thrust his leg forward to trip her, and Ines jerked away from him, blocking his hit with her shield. She turned and came back at him once more. The elf rolled under the arc of her sword, causing it to slice the air instead of his skin.

Ines was used to men giving in under the weight of her blows, but the villain was nothing like any opponent she had confronted in the past. She would have to fight harder that she had ever fought before, smarter and quicker than she had ever done before.

Ines gathered her magic and snarled at him before charging again. The elf brought his hands to the front and aimed his magic at her, but she didn't falter. She hacked and slashed, until a tremendous blow hit her, as formidable as the hands that released it, a blow to split heads, a blow to crush bones.

Ines' powers barely managed to absorb the surge, and she felt her legs wobbling from the effort, but didn't let that stop her. She directed a great thrust at him, and he masterfully darted out of range, striking her with his magic every time he found an opening.

Ines twisted and turned with inhuman speed, but he was equal to it. His eyes shined in the darkness as he parried effortlessly and returned her attacks with malice. As quickly as they had come together, they broke apart.

At some point, Ines sprang forward, with her shield brought to the front, and the villain thought she would aim low for his knees. He slid to the right to avoid her, but her blade hissed over her shield, and struck him in the side. Hard enough to surprise him and make him lose his balance.

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