Chapter 67

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Ines tossed and turned in her humble bed that was her safe place to dream. The softness of her mattress was the harbour from which her soul sailed to dreams of nobility and bravery. Just for those moments she could forget all her worries and enjoy the quiet of her room.

As her dreams still lingered and sleep's drowsiness was slowly shed, she spread her arms and legs and stretched her sore muscles, sighing in content. Right then a deep groan was suddenly heard from behind her, and Ines snapped her eyes open in confusion.

She quickly turned around and saw Matthew lying on her bed beside her. Drowsy in the half-light, she watched him come back from the land of dreams. Half of his face was buried in her pillow, his hair a tussled mess and his features a medley of calmness and built-up tension. He was beautiful.

His arms hugged the curves of her form bringing a much-needed sense of comfort, so that when the need arose, she would be ready to fly into whatever hurricane came. Her heart swelled from the gratitude she felt to have someone like him in her life, someone who completed her and made her whole. She would do anything for him.

As those deep emotions flourished inside her, she gazed at him with adoration written on her face. She reached out and gently stroked his hair, calling his name to awaken him. Matthew surely didn't want to wake up, because he let out another groan of protest and refused to open his eyes.

Ines chuckled at his childish complaints and nudged him harder. When she realised he wouldn't be swayed so easily, she decided to give him some time before getting up. She lied back on the soft mattress and let her gaze travel to her window across the bed.

'Matthew!' she exclaimed, causing him to jerk up and look around in panic.

'What? What's wrong?' his voice was still hoarse from sleep.

'It is getting bright! Why didn't you wake me up?'

Matthew sighed in relief and collapsed back on the bed. He rubbed his face and yawned tiredly before answering. 'You mean it's getting dark,' he told her, raising an eyebrow.

'What?' Ines glanced at the sky outside the window. Dark clouds had gathered above the city once more and covered the sun, so it was a bit hard to tell what time it was. 'It's evening already?'


'We've lost precious time!' she turned to him.

'No, we haven't. You needed rest,' he gave her a stern look. 'Would you rather collapse from exhaustion while we are under attack? Besides, the elves won't be here until hours from now.'

Ines knew he was right, so she didn't say anything. She only nodded at him. She silently got up and stood in the centre of her tiny room, until another thought crossed her mind. 'Matthew! Why did you bring me here? Imagine if our captains saw us!'

He chuckled at her outburst. 'We are the last thing they will care about. You know? With the city facing possible annihilation.'

Ines couldn't help but crack a smile. She shook her head in disapproval and with a grin on her face she charged and attacked him playfully. Their chirpy laughs filled the room and warmed their hearts. Just for a while, the war was still far off.

. . . . .

'At least the walls are in a good condition,' Matthew commented while staring outside.

Ines went and stood beside him by the window. She wrapped her arms around his torso, and he instantly moved to hug her shoulders in a tight embrace. The crispy wind fanned their flushed cheeks, while the quiet of the night calmed their minds before they had to face their troubles come morning.

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