Chapter 68

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Matthew and Peter followed the guard through the long corridor. The more they neared their destination the louder the voices became. Matthew saw the soldier come to a halt in front of a huge set of doors and touch the doorknob. He opened the doors that creaked and stepped aside to let them move inside.

Matthew beckoned her to go first and then entered the room himself. From what he could gather, the space served as a meeting room. With only ceiling-to-floor windows to let the moonlight in and a dozen of lit candles all around the room, he had to wait for his eyes to adjust to the dark.

'...without me knowing?' the king's voice resonated in the quiet.

Matthew could slowly make out figures in the gloom. The king was standing behind a desk, facing the three elves who had dared to stroll so confidently in the city. Their hands were bound by shackles behind their backs, but he doubted they posed any threat to their freeing themselves. It was more likely that the guards standing in every corner might have been serving that purpose.

'Desperate times call for desperate measures,' Matthew heard the old man say.

'We come in peace,' another elf spoke. 'We mean no disrespect.'

The king scoffed at their answer and turned to look at the two of them.

'My lord,' Peter bowed, and Matthew mimicked her action.

'I asked for evidence, not some old elves strolling into the city!'

'I thought you would want to hear what they have to say.'

The king pursed his lips in anger and directed his attention back to the elders. 'If they can prove their innocence, I will spare them.'

The elves, knowing that everything was hanging by a thread, hesitated to speak. Matthew didn't know how long they had been negotiating and worried that it would be more difficult to persuade the king after all.

'That powerful elf coming to destroy us is not a member of our people. We don't know who he is yet, but it is certain that he is not one of us,' one of them finally said. His skin was pale, and his hair covered his back in thick braids.

'Our people have banned the use of black magic. No elf knows how to use such magic. It has been forbidden for centuries,' the second elf added. She was a tall old woman with deep lines around her eyes that gave away her advanced age. She exuded power and wisdom. 'Your enemy is our enemy. After your realm, ours will be his next target. We realise this and we have decided to stand by you.'

'How generous of you. And how do you plan to do that?' the king lifted an eyebrow.

'We will fight by your side. Against him. We are willing to put our past behind us if that is what it takes to defeat him.'

'As happy as I'd be to believe you, your words do not prove anything. As far as I can tell, you could seize upon our fear of attack and take over the city.'

'He is all the evidence you need,' the old man suddenly said and pointed at Peter.

Matthew gulped in nervousness and looked at her. She stood unmoving, her face not revealing the slightest emotion, as if she wore a mask of impassiveness.

'Oh, yes. Of course!' the king said mockingly. 'Why didn't I think about this sooner?' The king shook his head. It was clear he still didn't believe them even at the slightest. 'Guards!' he thundered. 'Take them to the dungeons! I'm done hearing lies.'

The guards immediately obeyed his orders and went to seize them. Their armour rang in their ears as they carefully drew closer, their eyes alert but nervous. Matthew opened his mouth to speak, to make them see some sense at last, but couldn't find the words; his mind had gone haywire. He silently stared at the elves and was surprised to see them calm and unfazed by the danger.

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