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The city was alive again. Under the morning sun, it glinted like a star in the night sky. The people's laughs and bickering traveled in the wind and reached their ears, resembling a gentle song that touched their hearts. For the last couple of years, the city had been repairing its wounds, but now the past was far gone, and it was time they tested the waters again and learned to sail.

The street's pebbles giggled under Matthew's feet as he headed for the main gate. He hadn't got used to his new armour, and every move he made felt a bit strange. Not to mention the soreness in his back caused by vigorous training.

'Good morning, sir,' a soldier saluted him once he reached the gates.

'At ease soldier. Any reports so far?'

'No, sir. The merchants will not be arriving anytime soon. Nothing out of the ordinary so far.'

'Alright. Keep me updated. And don't go snooping around again, okay? Leave that for the Lions. Who knows how they will take it this time?'

The soldier chuckled at his words. 'I'll try, but no promises.'

Matthew shook his head in disapproval and exited the city walls. He went for the green hills nearest to the city. As he ascended the blooming slopes, he enjoyed the jubilant noise of the spring filled stream and fresh air.

Come summer, when the soil would be firm enough, he would ride those hills with her. He would make up for lost time and do all the things they dreamed of together. That positive thinking made him pick up his pace.

She always came up here, waiting for him to find her. Like all other times, he found her sitting under a singing tree, gazing at the lake in the distance. The moment she saw him, a grin spread over her face. Her calming expression captured his soul. She gave him his first real sense of how a home should feel. He couldn't help but smile back.

'Our new ambassador,' he stated as he neared her. 'Are you sure you want to be representing the elves?'

'Yes, captain,' she rolled her eyes.

Matthew raised an eyebrow and sat beside her. He loved those moments of peace and quiet with her before tending to their duties. It seemed her presence always had a soothing effect on him, which was definitely needed when shouldering the weight of overseeing the new recruits.

Matthew suddenly heard sniffing sounds and turned to look at her. She was staring down at her mark on her hand, her eyes brimming with tears. The grief that flowed from her was as palpable as the grief hiding inside him.

There were times like this when remembering made the pain resurface, and they waited it out. The person always at her side was her husband, struggling to keep his own tears silent, to not make it even harder for her, looking up at the blue skies and heaven beyond.

When the tears dried up, Matthew took her hand in his and gave it a light squeeze. 'Come,' he jerked his head. 'The king must be waiting for you.'

She composed herself and nodded. Matthew raised to his feet and then helped her up, and together they slowly walked back to the city.

'Call me by my name,' she said while they descended the grassy hills.

'I'm a bit out of breath.' His evasive answer caused a pout to form on her face. Matthew tried to hide the smile that crept up his lips and bent down, bringing his mouth to the side of her face. 'Don't be a whiner, Ines. We still have a long day ahead of us.'

Ines immediately grinned up at him, and he found himself mesmerised by her beauty. He engulfed her small hand in his and pulled her with him, their happy faces shining in the sunlight.

. . . . .

Some fight for what used to be, others for what is to come, and others for love. We fought for our freedom, for our future. It's what we carry around inside us, all of us survivors—sorrow, heartache, secrets. You cannot go through a war without being branded.

We know darkness will always hover, ready to engulf the light, and so, we make a promise to be ready. Today, tomorrow and the days after.

A/N:  You! Yes, you! I can see you! Thank you for being here my dear companion

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A/N: You! Yes, you! I can see you! Thank you for being here my dear companion. Our journey must come to an end, but don't worry. You'll find me in my next story. See ya! Bye bye!

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