Chapter 59

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At first Peter was stiff as wood. She had a hand up between them, as if to push him away, and stood there frozen in place, but Matthew didn't give up. He kissed her with more fervour, the side of his nose nudging hers. Little by little she began to soften in his arms and hesitantly slipped her arms around his neck.

Their lips lightly brushed against each other's, gently at first, then more roughly. He playfully bit her lower lip, causing her to make a sound in her throat. That rallied his aching body and made him hot all over. He deepened the kiss further and hugged her tighter to feel every inch of her, to explore the mysteries that awaited under her coat.

Peter suddenly caught a fistful of his shirt and pulled him closer, causing him to smile against her mouth. He took that as a welcoming sign and began to trail his lips down her cheek, her jaw, her neck. Her warm skin tasted like heaven.

'Matthew...' she breathed.

His eyes immediately snapped open. He moved his face away from her neck and looked at her, his breath catching in his throat when he saw her burning expression, her parted lips that begged to be kissed again. He touched his forehead to hers and tried to calm his ragged breathing. 'Peter,' he pleaded. 'If we don't stop right now, I don't know if I'll be able to control myself much longer.'

'I don't want you to control yourself,' she replied after a few seconds.

'Right now might not be the best—'

'If you don't shut up right now and kiss me, I will slap you!'

And they were kissing again, hard, and desperately. No doubt there were a million reasons not to, but right then he couldn't think of one he gave a damn about. In the gloomy clearing of the forest there was no war or evil, only the two of them.

His lips smashed against hers, and she opened her mouth to grant him full access. Their tongues battled for dominance as their hearts beat in one, and their hands curiously explored the plains of their bodies. Matthew realised something was bothering him and he quickly took off his coat and tossed it away without breaking their kiss.

He felt her hands reach inside his shirt to feel the muscles of his abdomen, and heat exploded inside him. He decided to return the favour, so he tugged at the rim of her shirt and ran his fingers up her sides, her ribs, her strong back. He lifted her up in the air and she immediately wrapped her legs around his waist.

He walked further away from the city lights and the people, kissing her, nipping at her lips with his teeth. Her hands fisted in his thick hair while his lips made another assault on her neck. When they reached the inner part of the woods, he pulled away and looked at her tenderly. Peter smiled shyly up at him and took the initiative.

She took his face within her hands and kissed him. Matthew melted to her addictive touch and let her lead. She pulled him down with her, and he didn't complain at all. Within seconds their clothes were gone. They locked eyes for just a moment, just enough for them to feel safe with one another, and then started kissing once more.

Their bodies fit together as if they were made just for that, to fall into one another, to feel that natural rhythm. Every kiss had a raw intensity, every breath an urgency. In those moments he made love to her with his eyes as much as his body, their souls mingling in the quiet.

Under the milky crescent moon his heart mended, even though he never knew it was broken. Their love was the reason he rose from the flames when their world was ash.

. . . . .

To begin with he had lied there with a stupid smile on his face, listening to her steady breathing, feeling every swelling of her chest under his arm. He could hardly believe that she was there, naked in his arms. He glided his fingers across her back, down to the bending of her hip and her thigh.

He couldn't deny she was fascinating. Every part of her was beautiful, forged by the hardships of her training and the kindness of her heart. He couldn't have hoped for a better partner. She pushed him towards greatness and made him a better man.

Matthew's thoughts where interrupted when Peter suddenly jerked and stretched out, clenching her fists in the air. She turned around to face him. Her cheeks were flushed, whether from the cold or their vigorous activity a few hours ago he wasn't sure. She peered at him through her eyelashes.

She reached up and gently pushed the hair out of his face. Matthew, surprised by the tenderness of that small gesture, only stared at her with wide eyes. Her hand didn't stop there, though. She ran her fingertips lower, stroking his cheek, and then even lower, over his chest and his abdomen.

Matthew shuddered under her touch, his body automatically reacting to her. Before her torturing hand could go any lower, he snatched her wrist and looked at her with a hungry expression on his face. 'You are playing with fire,' his voice came out more strained than he would have liked.

Peter laughed at his words and dropped her arm to her side, but the playful spark didn't leave her eyes. He knew she wasn't done tempting him, and he was right. A few seconds passed and she was already on him again, bringing her face slowly closer to his.

Matthew froze and tried to figure out her motives. She was so close her face was the only thing he could see, so close he could feel her chest pressed against him with each quick, hot breath. He didn't know what she would do next, but he realised he didn't care. He was captivated by her beauty.

As their lips were about to touch, an ear-splitting sound pierced the forest, shaking them to the core. Both winced in pain and fell down on the ground. Matthew instinctively pulled her towards him to protect her from any danger. Once the deafening noise had subsided, they frantically looked around to see what was going on.

'What was that?' she asked him in panic.

'An explosion?'

The screaming didn't come long after. Soon enough the air was filled with smoke, shrieking and crying voices that called for help. Through the trees Matthew could make out red flames dancing towards the sky.

'We gotta help them!'

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -

A/N: What on earth is going on? Well, my dear readers, we'll find out in the next chapter. Thank you for accompaning me through this adventure. I hope I'll see you soon!

Phrase of chapter: quisquis ubique habitat, Maxime, nusquam habitat / a man who lives everywhere lives nowhere - Martialis

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