Chapter 31

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In the early morning, the sun unwrapped the hues of daylight. Her eyes rested upon the golden arcing rays, as the song of the birds calmed her heart. Her gaze fell on Matthew who was still asleep, and a shy smile appeared on her face. He had come all the way to find her and bring her back. Her heart fluttered at the thought of him worrying about her; she felt lucky to have someone who cared for her and wished to protect her.

After her talk with the old elf and her discovering the truth about her past, she had felt lost and lonelier than ever before. She had reached a dark place where doubting herself was the only path she had fled down. She felt like a cursed person, her life a constant state of affliction. She had grown up in hiding, never showing her true self. Her hopes for a happier past were her consolation, and then all came crashing down in an instant.

She had buried her heart under the weight of sadness and cut herself off the others, like every other time she had faced obstacles. But he came to her with feet that bled, with the little strength that remained inside him, and pulled her to standing. He was the light she followed in the darkness and didn't want to lose. Even if she was afraid, she had to be bigger than that; she would keep the memory of the pain, not the feeling, and let it forge her into a fighter.

Her deep thoughts were suddenly interrupted by Landos who silently entered the infirmary, drying his hands with a cloth.

'Look who came back,' he said with mock surprise.

Ines glared at him for speaking so loudly, but Matthew didn't even budge. She raised from the bed and stretched her sore muscles.

'Inerma is waiting for you outside,' he informed her.

With a nod, he turned around and went to his workplace, gently closing the door behind him. Ines spared another glance at Matthew and went outside.

The streets were full of life again, kids were running around, probably to their lessons, and soldiers were getting ready for their training, wearing their boots and braiding their hair. Inerma was sitting at the centre of the square her legs sprawled on the snow, enjoying the sunlight.

She sat next to her and leaned back. Inerma sensed her presence and looked at her. She took out a small bread wrapped in a cloth and gave it to her. Ines held it in her hands; it was still warm. She took a bite of the delicious masterpiece, which vanished in a matter of seconds. Inerma stared at her in amusement and chuckled.

'Sorry for making you worry,' Ines spoke first.

'We weren't worried. We always know where to find you.'


'Matthew, on the other hand, was quite worried,' she wiggled her brows at her.

Ines tried to suppress her smile and keep a straight face, but the truth was that her mind was jumping up and down from happiness.

'You know,' Inerma went on, 'he is really protective over you. Is something going on?'

Her calculative eyes pierced hers, and Ines looked anywhere besides the elf, a flush creeping up her cheeks. 'No, of course not! He has no idea.'

'I wouldn't be so sure.' Inerma looked at her with a devilish smile. Ines didn't understand what she was talking about and was about ask her what she meant, but Landos ruined the moment.

'Today we will test your powers. Although it's bad luck to cast a spell near a patch of carnations during winter,' he said standing before them.

'Ugh! Stop saying these things!' Inerma snapped back.

'Anyway, I gotta run. I have some patients to visit.'


'Bye, ladies.' He waved at them, while Inerma sighed in frustration.

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