Chapter 41

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Ines and Matthew walked down the bridge, moved past the riverbanks and reached the deep forest that marked the end of the elves' realm. Soon enough they would cross the Great Wall and enter the humans' kingdom. They strode silently under the evening sun, he stealing glances from her, and she avoiding him altogether.

Once they felt the wall's magic, they started walking carefully through the barrier, occasionally pausing to listen to their surroundings. It was almost dark when Ines suddenly sensed movement from their side. She signaled to Matthew to stop and focused her attention on the intruders.

They didn't have to wait for long. After a few seconds a group of the spellbound creatures appeared in the distance, running towards them, snarling and trampling everything that stood in their way. Ines pulled out her sword and with a single nod to Matthew, she dashed at the enemy.

. . . . .

'I could have fought them by myself,' she defended sassily.

'I bet you could,' Matthew chuckled at her reaction, causing her to grumble about the fate that drew them close. The night's darkness slowed them down significantly, and hid dangers they didn't want to face right then. They would have to stop at a safe place until the morning.

Matthew pulled her with him towards a thicker part of the woods where the trees and bushes would conceal them from possible threats. Ines didn't like how his rough hands brushed her arm, creating goosebumps all over her body.

Those rough hands were her consolation, even though she was so mad at him she could barely keep it in, and it was scary. She had to admit to herself that her heart was still calling for him. She stared at the side of his face. Deep lines had formed around his eyes and his jaw was set in an uncomfortable manner.

He sensed her scrutinising gaze and glanced down at her. He let out a sigh of worry as his eyes bore into hers and he loosened his hold on her. His fingers glided down her arm and engulfed her small hand into his. With his touch Ines felt like a part of her was more complete, like their connected hands bridged and wove their souls into one.

That beautiful feeling didn't last for long. Once they reached the most suitable place to settle, he reluctantly let go of her. They lit a small fire for warmth and sat down, gazing at the starry sky above them. Ines' curiosity got the best of her, and she couldn't help but ask him.

'How long have you known?' 

A few seconds passed before he answered. 'Since we were kids,' he smirked at her.

'What!' Her jaw dropped in shock. She hadn't expected that at all.

'It was an accident. I followed you one night outside the camp and saw you take care of your wounds. I haven't told anyone, don't worry,' he smiled at her.

'So, I should be thankful for your self-restraint, huh?' she said, her voice laced with sarcasm.

'I'm just saying that your secret is safe with me.'

Ines shook her head in disapproval. She doubted she could trust him. What if he kept more things from her than she thought? Sadness crossed her features, the corners of her mouth drawing downwards. Matthew probably noticed her expression because he drew closer to her and snatched her hand.

'Peter. Peter, look at me.'

She turned to him, the moon casting its soft silver light on her solemn face.

'I swear to you, this is the only thing I hadn't told you.'

'How I'm I supposed to believe you?' she argued tiredly.

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