Chapter 28

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Matthew woke up in the infirmary. His head was killing him, every bone in his body was aching with the slightest move he made. He got out of his bed and looked around in bewilderment. Where the hell am I?, he asked himself. He didn't know that room. It looked like an infirmary, a nice one. There were flowers, clean sheets, but he had never seen such a place, and he had surely toured all of them in the city.

He stood up, and suddenly his mind exploded with a buzz of memories. He cradled his head, groaning in pain, as everything came back to him. He had acted so weird, he felt like he had lost control of his own self. He felt so guilty. Peter had taken that leap of trust, she had put her faith in him and let him in, and things were going so well.

The longer they were together, the more she saw her blossom before him. Her laugh filled a void inside him he didn't even know it existed. Her face was always the map of her feelings, and he had gradually started to decipher its code. She never ceased to amaze him, she wasn't only a fearless warrior, but a smart and fiery woman with a gentle heart too.

'Oh, shit. I messed up,' he moaned angrily.

He walked outside, and his eyes widened in shock. He was definitely still dreaming. Matthew slapped his face in a desperate attempt to wake himself up, but the elves were still there looking at him like he was crazy. He was about to totally freak out, when the old elf saw him from the distance, and marched towards him with purposeful strides. 'Have you gone mad?' He scolded him loudly. 'You are in no condition to be out and about!'

Matthew raised a hand dismissively; there were more important things to discuss. 'I'm fine. Where is Peter? What happened?'

'One at a time young man. We have plenty of time to discuss. Come,' the old elf signaled him to follow. 

They headed probably towards the biggest tree in the city. Its trunk was every brown, from deep chestnut to rich mahogany, and it was so thick it could uphold a wide circular wooden deck around it with stairs that led up the structure. It must have lived for hundreds of years. Matthew paused for a second to admire the impressive sight before him; he hadn't witnessed anything like that back in the city. His dazed staring was interrupted, though, by a very familiar elf.

'Rise and shine, pretty boy,' he saw Landos smirking at him.

'You are lucky I am not in the mood.'

'Wow. The sleeping beauty sure is grumpy.'

'Be careful of what you say next.'

They stood inches apart and glared at each other, ready to attack.

'Or what?' Landos raised a brow.

Matthew was fuming. He was seriously considering punching his pretty nose, but the old elf came to stand between them, just in time before he could do so. 'Cut it out, boys. You are making a scene.'

Matthew looked around. People had stopped walking and were staring at them with parted lips. The old elf turned around and headed towards the tree. Matthew gave Landos a warning glare and then followed him. With long strides they ascended the stairs, reaching the almost empty platform. Matthew was mesmerised by the view; he could see the whole valley, the city, the glinting mountain peaks.

'How did I get here?' he asked the two men.

'I carried you in my arms,' Landos joked. 'You should consider losing some weight.'

'Very funny.' Matthew knew he had better ignore his wisecracks, or else they would end up murdering one another.

'You were unconscious for the last three days, so we carried you here. What is the last thing you remember?'

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