Chapter 40

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'You cannot go running around searching for him,' the old elf glared at her. 'You are not ready.'

'And you are not listening!' Ines argued.

They had been having that conversation the entire morning. They just wouldn't hear what she was saying, even if they knew she was right. When she had woken up, she had gone straight to the old man and had reported to him the previous night's events. He had carefully heard her out without interruption and had immediately called for the others.

Right then they were at the infirmary and Landos was wrapping a bandage around her arm. Her wound was barely a scratch, but he couldn't fight his healing instincts and had dragged her to his office, ignoring the ruckus she had caused all the way there.

'Ouch! That hurt!' she yelled when he tightened the cotton dressing too tight for her liking.

'Sorry, my bad,' he apologised without even trying to hide his satisfaction.

Ines sighed. There was no point in persuading them. She silently stared at them, her fingers fidgeting nervously. In all honesty, she was disappointed in them; that wasn't the time to let their fear overtake them. 

'The old man is right,' Inerma spoke. 'You have not completed your training.'

'I can't let him roam free. He will not stop until he reaches his goal.'

'This is madness!' the old man waved his hands in the air, his eyes blazing with anger. 'I will not accept any reckless behaviour.'

'I can do this with or without your permission. Too many people have lost their lives, while we sit here debating.' Ines jumped up from the bed where she was sitting and walked out of the room. If they were refusing to tag along, she would have to find the answers she needed on her own.

'Matthew. Keep her out of trouble,' she heard the old elf say and couldn't help but roll her eyes in frustration.

'I will,' his deep voice echoed behind her.

Ines looked at the busy square of the city. Nothing really had changed since the night before. The elves were more joyful than ever, their voices carried in the wind like the melody of a forgotten song, unsuspecting to the dangers that lurked. She smiled back at a small girl passing by and headed to the great bridge.

'Peter,' she ignored his shouting. 'Peter!'

After a million times of hearing him calling her, she finally wheeled around with an indignant expression on her face. She hadn't forgiven him for hiding the truth and she wasn't sure if she ever would. She was so stunned by last night's revelations; she couldn't come to terms with the fact that he had been lying to her face.

She hadn't spoken to him yet; she was too hurt and confused. When did he discover that I'm not a man?, she wondered. And what had given her gender away? She thought she was doing a damn good job in staying under the radar, but apparently, she wasn't.

'What?' she barked at him.

'Where the hell are you going?'

'To do something. I'm tired of sitting here and waiting.'

'You don't even know where he is!' he argued.

'Look, don't have to come. I will manage on my own.'

'Yes, I have to, because sometimes you have no sense in you. You don't think before you act.'

'Oh, really? Thanks for pointing that out for me. Is there anything else you might wanna get out of your chest? Like before?'

'Ugh!' he kicked the snow in frustration. 'I said I'm sorry!'

Ines looked up at him, her lips set in a hard line.

'Fine! Be like that. I don't care,' he said and passed her by with purposeful strides.

Ines let out a deep breath and followed after him. She would have to endure his presence and the nagging that came with it. Besides, how difficult could it be?

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A/N:  If you want to wish Ines a safe trip, leave a vote and comment. As always, thank you for reading! Until the next one!

Phrase of chapter:  omnes una manet nox / one night awaits us all  - Virgil

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