Chapter 49

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'Peter!' Matthew's voice was the only thing that could be heard in the thick forest. 'Peter!' he called again, but she brushed him off and kept following the others.

The molten silver clouds above were grinding their weapons, preparing for the upcoming war for domination over the heavens, breaking free from their restraints. With his battle cry the rabid wind rallied the celestial legions and propagated the untold glory they would be crowned with.

The thundery sky echoed the frantic beating of Matthew's heart, as he rushed through the woods. Dark thoughts swirled in his mind, but he wasn't going to let fear keep him back. If he wanted to climb out of that hole of guilt and half-truths, he would have to do the work. He would bare himself in front of her and show her that he was willing to fight for her forgiveness.

'Come on, Peter!' he said, more insistently.

Still, she didn't turn around to face him. She went on heading east after the elves, her movements stiff and mechanical. The thick vegetation slowed him down. Even though he had to stride over branches, bushes, narrow paths, his determination fueled his energy. In a matter of minutes, he had made it and he was right behind her.

His arm immediately grabbed hers, spinning her around with great force. He thought he heard her yelp in surprise, but he wasn't sure. The moment she set her eyes on him Peter's expression hardened. Maybe I should have given her some alone time, he thought. Well, now there's no going back.

'Hey,' he said softly.

'What is it?' her voice was as cold and sharp as drawn steel.

Matthew flinched at her harsh tone. Although he had kinda expected such a reaction, it didn't mean he wasn't hurt. He let go of her wrist and stared at the snowy ground. 'I'm sorry,' he mumbled.

'For what? What is it this time? For lying to me for so long? For trying to kill yourself? Oh, I know! For being too egocentric to care for others?'

'Is that what you think?' he glared at her. 'After all this time?'

'Your actions speak for you.'

Matthew ran a hand through his hair in indignation. His nerves were getting the best of him, but he wouldn't lose it this time. 'Look, Peter. I know I messed up. I'm not the easiest person to be with, I'm a handful, I know.'

'That's a start,' she rolled her eyes.

'I'm not telling you to forgive me so easily,' he went on, ignoring her comment. 'I'm just asking you to let me earn back your forgiveness. Not now, but someday.'

'What if I don't ever forgive you?'

'That's okay. I will...respect your choice, I guess.'

In all honesty, he doubted he could carry the pain of being parted from her in the future. He had reached a point of no return and things couldn't go back to how they used to be. She was his kryptonite, the oxygen he needed to stay alive. His biggest strength and his undoing. Matthew let out a gloomy sigh. He had to win her back, otherwise he had no idea what would become of him.

He glanced at her, studying her features. He never got tired of looking at her. Every time he discovered something new, but equally bewitching. The tiny freckles on her nose, her dark eyes that magnetised him.

'I won't give up,' he said with confidence. 'No matter how long it takes, I will keep on walking in the light for you. While I cannot undo my misdeeds, I will prove to you that I am more than my mistakes. Because some things are worth waiting for, and you are one of them.'

Peter stared at him without saying anything, and her silence made him nervous. He might have said too much again. He felt the tension between them thickening, like threads of unspoken words binding them together. A thunder resonated in the forest and the first raindrops started falling, quenching the earth that was cocooned in black. Peter opened her mouth to speak, but she was cut short.

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