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My stomach is doing back flips as I pace back and forth in my small room.

I told my mom about my new friends inviting me to the fair earlier and her eyes had gone wide in shock.  She was shocked that I had friends and hadn't told her.

Well technically I only have one friend, which is Levina.  Except I like to think of Owen as a friend too. Even though he has made it very clear that the feeling is not reciprocated.

The only reason I didn't tell my mom about Owen is because it's really not a big deal, he finds me annoying anyways. And she wouldn't be very pleased to hear that I converse with boys.  She made is very clear from when I was very young that she doesn't want me mingling with the males of the species.

Whatever.  Boys don't even look at me so it's fine.

She immediately said yes and allowed me to go to the fair because she wants me to leave the house and "live" a little.

Now I'm currently freaking out in my room.  I've never hung out with friends before, what if I mess up or something? What if I fall off the ferris wheel and die? What if I choke on cotton candy and everyone watches me die?

Oh my god that would be humiliating.  I would die from exasperation and then die again from embarrassment.

Suddenly my phone starts ringing.

I switch my gaze to the phone sitting on the bed, an incoming face-time call from an unknown number.

It must be Levina, because she is the only one other then my mom who has my number.

My shaky hands reach for the phone and press the answer button.

Levina pops up onto the screen, a white crusty looking dog is staring into the camera as well.

"Hi!" She begins to pet the ugly-cute animal.

"Hey." I sound nervous, my voice is shaky.

She notices my anxiousness and reassures me, "Girl don't worry.  It's gonna be fine." She sets the camera up, it's propped up against her pillow. 

I'm holding my phone so that the only thing that's showing is my nose and up, and part of my ceiling.

"I'm scared.  This is gonna sound pathetic, but this is my first time ever hanging out with people." Her eyes go wide.

"What?!" She looks shocked.

"Yeah...I dunno I just never have." Why did I say that? I'm embarrassed now.  I sound ridiculous.

"I'm not gonna lie, same.  Owen is my only friend, so I feel you." The dog sticks it's big black wet nose in the camera and starts sniffing.  "Carlo.  Fucking.  Move." She gently pushes her dog out of the camera.  I let out a laugh.

"How long have you and Owen been friends?" I've been wondering this for a while, I wonder if Owen has other friends too.

"A few years.  I think from the beginning of high school." She gets up from her bed with the camera and walks over to another part of the room.

Realization hits me.  "Oh my god...are you the girl Owen has dated?" Oh.

Her eyebrows pinch together and she looks amused.  "I'm lesbian."

I snort, " I'm guessing it's not you-" She starts choking on her laughter.

"Whats so funny?" A smile breaks out across my face and small laughs erupt from the back of my throat.

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