Thirty four

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*Owens POV*

My hands are gripped low onto her waist as we continue kissing in my dark kitchen.

I groan into her mouth again when she manages to pull me even closer to her body with her legs that are wrapped around my waist tightly.

My body feels as though it's on fire as her fingers continue to absently run themselves through my hair.

I'm starting to believe that she lied when she had said she has only kissed one person in her life.

The way her lips move against mine feels like heaven.

She tastes sweet.

I hesitantly pull away from her, catching my breath. Her eyes bore into mine as her hands slide down from my hair to the sides of neck.

"Did you eat chocolate before you came here?" My eyes focus on the way her tongue swipes over her lips, still feeling mine.

"Yeah, I had a chocolate bar at 12am." She whispers. Her fingers thread with the short hair at the back of my head, wanting me to continue kissing her.

Even though she is sitting on the counter, I'm still a little taller then her, so I lean my head down. I softly brush my lips to hers.

My lip twitches in content when I hear her breath hitch.

I pull back a little to see her face.

She stares up at me with wide eager eyes.

An involuntary sly smiles tugs at my lips before I fully close the gap between us again.

I can't believe we're actually making out right now.

I want more.

But I don't want to push her too far.

Both my hands are planted on her waist.  I slowly glide one of them up her body, skimming her breast and going to the zipper of her sweater.

I want it off.

She doesn't stop me as my fingers graze her cleavage as I slowly tug the zipper down.

Only the sound of our kisses and moans are in the air.

Once the zipper is finally open I trail my hand back up the front of her body and to her shoulder, urging it to come off.

She doesn't break the kiss as she removes her hands from my shoulders and tugs her sweater off, placing it on the counter behind her.

Her hands find their way back to me and wrap themselves around my shoulders, pulling me closer to her.

I pull away, making her look saddened at the loss of contact.

My mouth goes back to her neck.

I find pleasure in sucking on it.  Feeling her fingers tease in my hair as I kiss and bite, lapping my tongue over the soon to be hickey.

After working on her neck for a minute I move down a little further.

Her breaths are rapid as I glance back up towards her for a moment before beginning to suck on her skin.

I can't help but smile as her hands hold my head in place, not allowing me to leave from her.

The sound of thunder makes me stand up abruptly and look out the window.

Since when did it start raining?

My gaze focuses back to Luna sitting in front of me.

Her lips are swollen, and her hair is slightly fucked up.

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