Bonus chapter

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*Luna's POV*

"And what are you going to do if someone's mean to you?" Owen asks Dani as the three of us stand in front of the school.

"Pinch them!" Two deep dimples poke into her chubby cheeks.

"That's my girl." He kneels down on the floor so that he's at her level and pulls her into a hug.

"Don't listen to your dad." I playfully kick Owen in the butt with my foot.

He grins at me and his tongue darts out to lick his lower lip once he stands back up.

I roll my eyes at him before focusing my attention back on Dani.

"If someone is mean to you, tell the teacher." She stares at me with her beautiful large hazel eyes. "Except if some little idiot ever dares to put their grimy hands on you don't be scared to kick them in their no-no squares." I give her a tight lipped smile as my hands lift to the top of her head to smooth out her soft black curls.

I continue staring at her a few more seconds, trying not to break down into tears.

I can't believe she's starting kindergarten.

She's only four. I don't want my precious little girl going to school, where all the nasty, dirty, gross, rude, mean children are. My mind is an endless cycle of worry when it comes to her.

This is the first time where she won't be in my hands. I won't be able to make sure that she's okay at all times.

Owen interrupts my train of thought as he pulls Dani away from me and into his arms, giving her a warm hug.

"Have a great first day of school, you'll have a great time, I promise. And when you get home you can tell me and mama all about it." Her lips pull into a full on smile.

"Yay!" Her arms tighten around his neck.

He looks like he's holding onto her for dear life and like his heart just broke a little.

Except instead of keeping her in his grasp and holding onto her forever, he places her on the ground and leans down to place one more kiss on the top of her head.

She turns to me and wraps her arms around my legs.

Don't cry.

Don't cry.

Don't cry.

I kneel down to her level and hug her small frame, possibly just a little too tight.

After a few seconds to tries to leave my grasp except I don't let go.

"Mama I have to go." She whines as she tries to pull away.

"I don't care." I frown and continue hugging her.

Suddenly I feel Owen's hand on my back. "Luna, she needs to go in the building. Don't worry, we'll see her in six hours and then you can hug her all you want." He calmingly rubs my back.

It takes everything in me to let her escape my grasp.

"Bye mamá!" She plants a kiss on my cheek before skipping away, off to her teacher who is talking to some parents by the front doors.

Owen makes me stand straight again, pulling me up from the ground.

"I know baby, but she'll be back." He pulls me flush against his body and kisses the side of my head.

I lean into him, absorbing his warmth as we watch Dani skip fully though the front doors, disappearing into the crowd of kids.

She's officially entered the real world.

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