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TW: Mentions of Overdose!! pls skip to the second "~" if you feel uncomfortable reading that.

*Owen's POV*

I groan as I wake up to the sound of a taxi horn.

As my eyes open halfway I turn to my right to see Luna singing along the song It Wasn't me by Shaggy that plays from her phone.

"Picture this we were both butt naked, bangin' on the bathroom door." Her voice cracks as she sings, her fingers tapping the steering wheel.

My mind start picturing that. Dammit. I rub my forehead tiredly.

"Oh, you're awake!" She glances to me before looking back to the road to continue driving.

"Yeah." My eyes look out the window and widen.

"Why the fuck are we in New York?" How long was I asleep?

"Because why not? It's not a super long drive and I wanted to go to Brooklyn." She continues humming to the song.

"Do you even know where you're going?" Surprisingly there doesn't seem to be much traffic, which is good.

"You know that GPS is a thing right?" She turns her head to me, looking at me as I'm an idiot.

"Of course I know that GPS is a thing.  I mean like, what the fuck are we gonna do here?" I'm slightly concerned as to where she is dragging me to.

"I told you! It's a surprise!" She gives me a purposefully dramatic wink that makes me bite my cheek to prevent myself from grinning.

"Are you gonna be pushing me off a building?" My words slur as I lean my head back against the seat, still a little tired with a subtle headache.

"  Why do you think I'm trying to kill you?" A look of genuine confusion crosses over her face, making me want to smile again.

I shrug.

I don't know, I just feel like she would accidentally push me from an extremely high area and be like: "whoopsies! my bad!"

"Well where did you want to go to? get food or something?" She huffs out an annoyed sigh from all my questions.  Good, now she knows how I feel.

"Shush! You'll see when we get there." She over punctuates each word dramatically.

I blow out a breath and let my head fall back against the seat head rest.

Adjusting my vision to look out the car window I watch the city skyline pass by us. The passing buildings blurring together as my eyes close again once more.


I'm in my room and it's stormy outside.  The heavy rain drops harshly hitting the window.

It's dark.  The dim light coming from my lamp being the only reason for it not being pitch black.

Looking down at my arms I jump a little from shock.

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