Forty two

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A high pitched scream comes from Mateo as he opens his present.

Mom winces from the couch due to the ear piercing noise.

"I love you!" He screams before jumping on my lap and giving me a bone crushing hug with his little twig arms.

"Hope you like it!" I rub his back.

Mateo moves back to his seat by the tree on the floor and starts ripping open the spider-man toy box.

It's not the exact one he wanted, but oh well.

"I love my gift! Thank you!" Camila admires the barbie doll I got her before hugging me as well.

"I'm glad you guys like your presents from me." I smile as my cheek rests against the top of her head.

Ma smiles at all of us sitting on the floor from the couch.

"Hope you guys enjoyed your regalos!" She takes a sip from her coffee.  (Translation: Presents.)

Camila got a few dolls and shirts along with fuzzy socks.  Mateo got a spider man toy and Marvel t-shirt.  He looks the happiest he's ever been.

My little siblings can be annoying as fuck and a pain in my ass sometimes, but I'm happy to see that they're content and happy with what they have and what my mom and I are able to get them, even if it's not a lot.

"Thank you thank you thank you!" Mateo and Camila both exclaim as they run over to give mom a hug, then running to me and doing the same thing again.

Then they collect their presents and bring them to their room.  Except before Camila enters the hallway she turns around back to face us.

"Do you think dad's coming home soon?" Her head tilts to the side and she gnaws on her bottom lip.

Mom and I share glances.  Her eyes sadden.

"One day, mija.  One day." She takes another sip of her coffee and stands from the couch, walking to the kitchen nearby.

Camila hesitantly nods and then turns back on her heels to head to her room.

Once I know that she's officially gone, I get up from the floor and walk over to where mom is standing.

"Where do you think dad is? It's been a long while with no word from him."

"I'm not sure.  He doesn't even help pay the bills anymore." She sighs.

"Do you want me to get a job?" I immediately ask.

"No no no.  I'm able to pay for everything, don't worry about it." Mom rubs my arm.

I take a step closer and hug her, closing my eyes and taking in the flowery scent from her curly hair.

"I'm gonna be heading to Owen's to hang out for a while.  I'll be back a little later." I pull away and smack a kiss on her cheek.

"Okay...also I know you're gonna cringe at me asking this...but you two use condoms, correct? Because I can't afford to have another little idiot running around my house." She points her finger up at me.

"Mom..." I do in fact cringe.  "We don't do that, don't worry." Lies.

She looks me up and down suspiciously.  "Mhm...well go do whatever you two do then." Taking her mug off the counter, she saunters back to her bedroom, her blue slippers slapping against the floor.

I go to my bedroom and get ready to head to Owen's to go do what "we do", as my mother likes to call it.


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